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"Kylo!" I shout as I wake up. I look at my arms and see that I am tied up. I growl at my situation. I try to recall what happe-


I jolt from my seat. I look at the source and see a wookie. "Who the hell are you?" I ask and he replies with a roar, "Ror! (Chewie!)" "Chewie? As in Han Solo's Chewie?" I ask in shock. "Roar! (Yes!)," he tells me.

I bow my head sadly. "I'm sorry for your lose. I -" sigh "- I didn't know that Kylo is that evil... He killed his own father... He is a monster."

"Roar! (He is not!)," Chewie defends, which take me by shock. "How could you defend the one that killed your friend?!" I ask madly at him.
"Roar! Roar (He is his son)," he tells me. I forgot that.

"I'm sorry Chewie. Can you get me out?" I ask and he tells me, "ROAR! (NO!)," "What?! I thought we get along already?" I sadly say. "Rororoar! (You called Ben a monster)," he recalls. "HE IS A MONSTER!" I shout loudly.

"Chewie? What is happening here?" the scavenger girl asks as she walks in the ship. Chewie explained what happened to the girl. "He is a monster Chewie," the girl repeat and I exclaim, "Ha! I told you so!"

"I thought you were his friend?" the girl asks. "I am just his trooper," I correct her. "But you two are clearly close," she pushes the friend thing.

"Stay close Ava..."

"Look scavenger girl. I am just his trooper. But after what I saw... I can't handle seeing him again," I explain to her. "But you know him?" she walks near me. "Yes, I know him... Kylo Ren," I admit to her. "Then you know how to get Ben Solo back?" she asks another question. "Look. I don't want to see him again. Okay? I don't want to kill my parents for the First Order. I love my parents. I will never follow their ways again," I tell this hard headed scavenger girl.

She sighs before walking to me. She releases me from the tight chains. "You're free to go," she tells me before facing Chewie, "Send her to the Resistance Base." "Roar (Okay)," Chewie replies.

"Hey scavenger girl!" I call the girl. "What's your name?" I ask and she smiles, "Rey." Then leave the ship. "Look I'm sorry Chewie for calling him a monster," I apologize and he accepts it.

Suddenly, I feel something familiar. Some voice are calling for me. I walk and try to find the place. I see a big tree wood. I walk in it and touch the place. I've been here. Rey also comes in the place. "Do you hear it?" she asks and I slowly nod.

I see on the middle, some books with some sunlight on it. Me and Rey slowly walk to it and touch it. "Who are you?" I look at my back and see a old man. "Who are you?" I also ask him.

"I know this place," Rey tell the old man. "Built a thousand genrations ago," the man says as he walk to the books. "To keep these. The Original Jedi Texts," he says as he grab one book. I furry my brow in confusion. Jedi?

"Just like me. There the last of the Jedi religion," he tells us as he rubs the book. The man looks at us and says, "You seen this place. You seen this island."

"Only in dreams," I tell him. "Who are you?" he asks again. "The Resistance sent me," Rey responds. "They sent you. What so special about you? Where are you from?" he walks near Rey. "Nowhere," she simply says. "No ones from nowhere," the old man says. "Jakku," Rey rephrases. "Alright. That's pretty much nowhere," the man says.

"And you?" he now looks at me. "The First Order," I reply. He furries his brows. "I'm a stormtrooper... Kylo's stormtrooper..." I whisper his name. I miss him, but I'm scared of him.

"You're Ben Solo's trooper?" he asks and I look at his eyes. Memories of the kill replays. "I am Kylo's. Not Ben's, Sir," I correct him. "Who are you?" I know ask. "I'm Luke. Luke Skywalker." My eyes widen. He is the legendary Luke Skywalker.

"What's your name?" he now asks. "Ava," I answer his question. "Ava who?" he adds. "Just Ava, Sir."

"Why are you both here?" he looks at us. "Something is inside of me has always been there, but now it's awake. And I'm afraid. I don't know what it is. What to do with it. And I need help," Rey tells Luke.

"Ava?" Luke now asks me. "I..." sigh "I don't know what's happening to me. I just hear this voices. I don't know what it is. I also need help," I explain. "You guys need a teacher. I can't teach," Luke says as I look back to the books. "Why not?" we ask in unison. "I will not train another generator of Jedi," he says and leave the place. "I came to this island to die. It's time for the jedi to end."


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