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I go to my chambers and grab my lightsaber. Maybe I will need this. I clip it to my belt and walk out of the room.

I follow Kylo with a bunch of troopers behind me. "Find them," Kylo instruct the troopers. "I'll find the girl too," I volunteer. He looks at me and holds my hand, "I can't lose you Ava."

I take off my mask and kiss Kylo's helmet. "Don't worry. You can't lose this girl," I say and walk to find those Resistance scums.

Suddenly, I hear a loud voice, "Ben!" I look down and see Kylo with an old man down the bridge. I aim by blaster at the man. Kylo stops walking and faces the man. Ben?

"Han Solo. I've been waiting this day for a long time," Kylo replies. Han Solo? The Han Solo? The man walks to him and say, "Take off your mask. You don't need it." "What do you think you'll see if I do?" Kylo asks and he replies, "The face of my son." Son? That is Kylo's father?! The Han Solo?!

Kylo then takes off the mask. "Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father. So I destroyed him," Kylo says. I lower the blaster and furry my brows. What is happening?

"That's what Snoke wants you to believe. That is not true. My son is alive," Han Solo says as he walks closer. "No. The Supreme Leader is wise," Kylo defends.

"Snoke is using you for your power. When he gets what he wants, he will crush you," he says as he gets near to Kylo. "You know it's true."

Suddenly, they whisper something to each other which I can not hear. Kylo lets go of his mask and looks at his father. He gives Han his lightsaber and he takes it.

Suddenly, he ignite the lightsaber. I back down and let my blaster fall down. "NOO!!!" I scream loudly as I see the horrific scene.

Kylo looks at me and I look at him. But not just simple look. He killed his father. Kylo killed his father. He is a monster.

I hear and scream of a girl and see them on the top. I walk away from the scene and didn't realize that tears were streaming down my face. I ignore it and walk to the girl's location.

I walk through the woods and see the girl and the traitor. "Where do you think you're going?" I ask them. The girl blasts my shoulder which cause me to fall. My vision bluries.

"Get the girl..."


"We'll need her..."


"She knows Kylo Ren..."


"She will be useful..."

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