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I climb up and I hear Rey screaming, "Help! Help me!" I limp my way to Rey and ask, "What is it?" "Ava! She is not waking up. I already use half my energy to her but she is not waking up," she explains. I look at her back and see Ava laying down on the cold floor. I make my way to her.

I sit down and pull her near my chest. My Ava... I close my eyes. I put my hand at her side and give her half my energy.

Ava suddenly hold my hand. I help her sit up properly.



She embraces me and whispers in my ear, "My Ben..." I smile and hug her back, "My Ava..."

"Ava!" Rey exclaims and hugs Ava's back. "You're alive!" she says happily. "I know Rey. I know," she calms her down.

The planet starts collapsing. "We have to leave," Rey tells us and I agree. Ava stands up but suddenly, falls out of balance. Luckily, I caught her.

I carry her in bridal style which made Ava blush. "Did I tell you that your cute when your blushing?" I tease her and she hits my chest playfully. "I hate you," she says and I act hurt. Ava grabs my cheek and says, "Don't worry Ben. I -" She gets cut off by Rey shouting, "The X-wing is near. Let's go fastly."

I run to Rey to catch up. We aboard each ship. I lay Ava on my ship. "Hold on. Okay?" I tell her and she nods.

I manuver the ship and follow Rey's ship. I suddenly hear Ava hiss in pain. "Are you alright?" I worry as I look on her. "I'm fine. Just get me back to the base," she assures me. The base. The Resistance's base. What will happen when I go back? Will they put me in prison? Will they-

"Ben," she breaks my thoughts. "You'll be fine there. I got you." I look at her and smile. "Thank you Avy," I tell her and she replies, "No problem, Benny."

"Hold on. We are going on lightspeed in three..." I inform Ava. "Two... One..." We arrive at the Resistance base's planet. Rey quickly lands her ship. I remember that I am using the First Order's ship.

I land my ship and breathe deeply. Ava holds my hand and rubs it in comfort. "Relax Benny," she calms me down. I still breathe heavily.

Ava now grabs cheek and faces me to her face. "Look at me Ben... Look at me..." she says to me. I look at her eyes. She stares into mine before staring to my lips. I smirk at her.

I slowly move my face closer and kiss her lips. I close my eyes and savor the moment. She kisses me back. She holds my neck to pull me closer to her. I hold her hips and pull her closer too. She kisses me passionately.

The door suddenly opens and it reveals the Resistance pilots with thier blaster facing us. "Ava! What are you doing with Kylo Ren?!" Poe Dameron shouts at her sister.

Ava pushes away from me which is a bad move. She hisses in pain as she fall to the floor. Poe runs to her and carries his sister away from me. I put my hands up in surrender.

"Put your blasters down," Ava tells them but they do not listen. She sighs before using the force to throw the blasters away.

"He is with me," she tells her brother. "Him! Kylo Ren!" Poe exclaims and she corrects, "Ben. Ben Solo, brother. He is not Kylo Ren. He is Ben Solo."

Poe looks at me. He narrowly stares at me. "I don't trust him," he tells his sister. "Well, just trust me," Ava tries to convince him. "Trust you! You took a Skimmer to cross the waters," Poe points out and I raise my brow, "Ava. You took a Skimmer." "I had no other choice. Hey! Who's side are you on?" Ava tells me.

"You took a Skimmer," I point out again and she groans, "Uhh! You know what. Take him in prison." "I'm kidding Avy. I'm on your side," I smile at her.

"AVY?!" Poe shouts, "Since when did you guys have nicknames?" "Since day one until the dyad," Ava answers. "What dyad?" Poe asks. "It's a connection between two people who has the force," she explains.

"What?! You guys have a dyad and didn't tell me," Rey pops out of nowhere. "I thought you were my friend." "Rey, I will tell you eventually," Ava tells her friend. "Why didn't you also tell me? I'm your brother," Poe adds. This is gonna take long.

"Look guys, I am in pain. Can we please get me to the medic and talks about this later?" Ava says and all of them agrees. "Also can I have Ben by my side all the time? I don't want to trust Poe on not killing him." I stiffle a laugh. The pilot gives me a look.

"Ava, you can't have a boyfriend," Poe looks at his sister seriously and I burst into laughter. "Poe! I'm going to kill you later," Ava remarks.

Poe brings her to the medic and I follow behind. Poe leaves alone as Rey calls him outside.

"Ava?" I say to her and she looks at me, "Yes?" "I love you Ava Dameron," I finally tell her. I walk to her and kiss her lips again. She wraps her legs around me and I hold her hips.

"I love you too Ben Skywalker Solo," she replies as we pull away. "Since I first saw your face, I fallen to you."

"I guess we are the fallen ones..."

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