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"Rey?" I walk to her as she just finish her practicing with her lightsaber. "Yes?" she looks at me after she retracts it. "Where's my lightsaber?" I ask and she widens her eyes, "Oh yes!" She grabs the other lightsaber from her belt and gives it to me, "Here."

"Thank you," I smile to her as I held my lightsaber. It doesn't feel right. Maybe I can ask Luke to tell what is wrong.

"Oh Rey," I remember something. "What is Han like?" I ask her and her face falls down. "I'm sorry. I should have asked," I apologize.

She holds my hand and stops me from going. "It's alright," she smiles sadly. "Han would give anything for his son. He loves him dearly and willing to risk anything for Ben," she says which make me smile. "Thank you Rey."

I walk to the hut and look for Skywalker. "Master Luke," I knock as his door. He slowly opens it and asks, "Yes?" I grab the lightsaber and show it to him. "It doesn't feel right," I explain to him.

He slowly grabs the saber and observe it. He ignited it and see that it is red, color of the Sith. He retracts it and opens it up.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I look at my lightsaber in worry. He grabs the kyber crystal and gives it to me. "Heal it," he tells me and I look at him in wonder.

He sighs and out it in my palm. He cover it with my other hand. "Close your eyes and feel the crystal," he instructs and I did so. I close my eyes and try to feel the crystal.

"It's bleeding," I say and Luke voice says, "Yes. Now, try to heal it." I close my eyes and try with all my might to heal the crystal. It slowly patch up but its just bleeds more. I try to patch up fastly but it keep on bleeding. I scream as I patch it up again and this time... It is healed.

I open my eyes and see Luke shielding his eyes. "You've done it," he says proudly at me. I look at my hand and see a white kyber crystal. "You healed the crystal. You are stronger than I think you were." He smiles at me and begins to leave.

"Master Luke," I block his way. "What happened at the night at your temple?" I bravely ask. He gives a big sigh before siting down the bench. "Ava, I think you deserve to know," he tells me sadly.

"Ben. My nephew. With the mighty Skywalker blood. I thought I could train him. I thought I could pass on my strengths," he starts.

"Han is not a fan about it," he shrugs with make me giggle. "But Leia trusted me with her son," he says sincerely. "I took him and a dozen of students and begin a training temple."

Luke stand up and walks to the edge. "At the time, I realize that I was no match with the darkness rising in him. It was too late," he tells me. "What happened?" I demand.

"I went to confront him... but he turned on me," he tells me. "He must have thought I was dead. When I came to, the temple was burning. He'd vanish with a handful of my students and slaughtered the rest."

"Leia blames Snoke, but... it was me. I failed," he bows his head. I slowly walk to him and rub his back in comfort. "Because I wasn't Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master," he says bitterly. He faces me and say, "A Legend."

"The galaxy might need a legend. I need someone to know what I am," I say to him. "You didn't fail Kylo. Kylo failed you."

"I won't..."

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