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Monday mornings are the worst.

The absolute worst.

I growl as I get out of bed, my feet touching the soft fabric of my carpet as I do so. My pyjama shorts hang loosely around my hips while I walk to my closet. It's an absolute mess.


My whole room is one big mess, clothes laying everywhere.

As fast as I can, I choose my outfit and practically run to the bathroom as I'm already late.

I choose to wear high waisted mom jeans, a black turtle neck, my black balmain coat with some air forces. It looked pretty well.

It takes me some time to do my hair and make up on point. I look in the mirror unsure of myself. After a few seconds of intensely staring at myself, I inhale. I look decent.

After that, I immediately rush out of the door.


My dad's chauffeur drops me off at school right on time. With my sunglasses on I walk into the school. People are staring at me, and my car. I don't pay any attention to anyone.

I have had people tell me I'm a brat. A slut. And worse. But I never let myself react. I cannot react. Because I already feel miserable inside, I cannot let people see that.

So I walk into school like a spoiled brat.

While I walk trough the hallway, I see a crowd form itself in the middle of the hallway. Normally I ignore those things but this time I can't even go to my classroom without passing the crowd.

When I walk up to the students, I can finally see what's going. The sight of Adam Williams yelling and making fun of River West doesn't surprise me anymore. I inhale and outhale deeply before looking at them again. It has always affected me when people made fun of River. He never did anything to them and they always bullied him and he never ever did something back. Literally never.

River West is one big mystery.

I know absolutely nothing about him and at the same time I know everything as the whole school talked about his fucked up family, drug problems, mentall illnes, alcohol problems and the list goes on. Throughout all these years during high school, I had heard so much shit about him. Even though I bearly know how he looks or sounds. I don't think he ever makes eyecontact with people. But when I did see his face, it shocked me how handsome River really is.

But River is danger and everyone including me knows that. Just because he never did anything against those bullies doesn't mean he is save.

I sigh as River leaves the crowd and no one follows him, including Adam. It was the same thing everyday. Adam would come up to River and start irritating him, hoping to get a reaction out of him.


Finally I make it to my art class. The room is bright and full with different art works from different people. What I like about this class is that there is only like fives pupils in here which makes the lessons always so peaceful. I don't have to socialize with anyone. We never have to speak or answer questions wich I absolutely hate.

I sit down at my usual spot.

Some people give me their usual stares. I'm already used to it.

'You look pretty Angel.'

I look behind me to see the girl who's name I don't remember anymore.

'Thanks', I smile.

After a few minutes of patiently waiting, the teacher enters. He looks a little lost. Normally he's always on time with a perfect stipped out plan for the day.

This is uncommon.

I realise what's wrong when the door opens behind the teacher and my eyes grow a little bigger when I see who enters the class room.

He's tall, well shaped and hella scary.

His wearing a grey hoodie with black sweatpans that look a little big on him with some beat up black converse. His pitch black hair is messy as always and covers his beautiful blue eyes. Our eyes meet and suddenly I feel him observe me.

River West is absolutely breathtaking.

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