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'Angel, hurry up!' My dad yells my name from downstairs.
'One minute', I yell back as I finish up my make up.

Once I'm done, I look in the mirror. My brown hair is prefectly curled and my make up is done on point. I'm pretty proud of my work. I don't wear much make up but it made me
look much better. The dress I am wearing has a gold shade.

It perfectly points out my body at the right places. I had been looking for such kind of dress for so long and I finally found it. It is a little thight but not too revealing. When I wear revealing clothes it makes me feel insecure and uncomfortable. Also my dad would probably kill me for it.

The black heels match perfectly with the dress. Everything looks perfect but I am still worrying. I'm scared of what people would think and say even though I know I shouldn't worry about it. I still do.


'Are you ready ?' My dad asks as I sit down besides him in the back of the car. I nod in agreement.
'You can go, Garett', Dad tells the chauffeur. 'I'm nervous', I tell my dad.
'You look beautiful Angel, just like your mother. And far as I know, she was the most beautiful woman on the earth.'

My heart stops beating at the mention of my mom. I wonder how my life would be if she was still here. I quikly shake of the thoughts and smile at my dad who is now busy doing something on his phone.

He is the best thing that ever happend to me and I couldn't believe I would have to steal something from him for someone I don't know anything about. It made me feel sick of myself.

Also it is the beginning of december, so everywhere it snows. There is not much snow but enough for kids to play in.

I sigh.

I don't want to go to this party. It is a yearly gala my dad and some of his buisness partners hold for literally everyone my dad knows.

Let me tell you those are a lot of people.

Every year I have to attend. The good think about it is that some of my cousins are there too so most of the time its pretty fun. But yesterday I found out they went on a skitrip for a whole week wich means I will be completely alone tonight.

The ride doesn't take long. We arrive a little earlier then the guests so that my dad and I can welcome them all as always. He thinhs that is the most important thing to do as a party holder and for some reason he needs me for it also.

We enter the huge building where the gala is held every year. It's beautiful in here as always. The white golden decor never gets boring to look at.

I smile to myself as I try to calm myself down. I'm way too nervous these last three weeks. Since the car thing with Adam, I haven't talked or interacted wih River in any way and already a few peaceful weeks had gone by. At art class our eyes met like for one second but I ignored him as much as I could and he was sitting at his original place again.

Thank God

'Robert!' I hear a very well known voice. It is one of my father's best friends Daniel. He looks just the same. He did have more grey hairs and this time he is alone without his wife. Turns out they divorced a few weeks ago. I quikly walk up to them and give Daniel a hug also.
'Wauw Angelique, you have changed so much!'

I laugh and smile at him while ignoring the fact that he always forgets my name. But my dad learned me how to deal wich such people and when they are important people as Daniel, I just have to ignore it.


We are already one hour into the gala and I am already bored. Dad is drinking with his friends while talking about some stupid buisness shit. Most of the woman here are the wifes of his friends who are gossiping about something.

After welcoming a hella lot of people, my dad told me to still wait at the entrance because more people would come. So with my back straight and my head up as my dad learned me, I am currently waiting for even more people that I don't know.

I'm looking at something on the other side of the ball room as I suddenly hear steps coming my way from outside. I turn my head around to welcome the next person. The big smile I have on my face fades away as I see who's standing right in front of me. His beautiful eyes are on mine in just less then a second.

I thought he looked good in his hoodie and sweatpants. But this, this was something completely else.

His beauty was insane.

River is wearing a pitch black suit that matches his hair perfectly, his hair is still the same mess but it made him look better. He has a black tie and a white shirt underneath the suit. I notice how masculine River actually is with this thight suit.


I notice how River's eyes slowly wonder down my body while observing everything. I feel the heat in my stomach and I again forget how to breath with his intense stare. He does the hot move where his tongue is against the inside of his cheeck.

After what feels like forever, his eyes are focused on mine again as he slowly speaks.

'Nice to see you here, Angel.'

God I can't handle this.

I inhale. Outhale. And sigh.

'What are you doing here ?'
'Your dad invited me.'

Suddenly reality hit me. If River wanted some document from my dad, it probably ment he knows him or even works with him. Maybe some illegal buisness? That's why he was beating up a guy. Maybe ? I didn't even know what to think at this point. This guy seems to know much more about me and my family then I do.

'Oh River ! I'm happy you have come.'

oh fuck

My dad is currently standing besides me. I smell the alcohol already. Another reason why I hated this gala. Once a year my dad gets waisted as fuck. He looks really happy to see River and I still wonder why.

'Nice to see you Robert.'
'How are you doing?'
'I'm good.'
'How's your sister ?'

River glances at me before speaking to my dad again. 'She's doing better.'

'That's well.'

As if my dad just now notices me standing besides him, more uncomfortable as ever I have to add. He speaks to me.

'Aren't you gonna give our guest a hug?' Oh hell no

My dad looks at me. I look back at River who stares at me with an intimidating stare. It's just a hug, I have hugged everyone in this room

I take a few steps forward before pulling my body against his. He feels amazing. This feeling made my stomach explode. River reacts immediately by putting his arms against my waist. He softly puts his finger into my skin and I suddenly feel the need to moan just by this touch. Suddenly his fingers slide over my dress to the exposed skin on my back. His fingers glide over my bare skin and it feels amazing.

'You smell amazing', he quietly whispers in my right ear. I feel the heat of his breath on my cheeck and I don't know how to feel anymore. My whole body feels cold once we pull away.

'Angel, could you show River around. It's the first time he attends this gala.'


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