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'Her heart is so large that she doesn't even know how to give up on people,
even when they don't deserve it.'

Well here I am.

In front of River's door, waiting for him to open it. However after few knocks there is no sight of River nor even a sound from inside. Strange considering his car is parked outside.

Without anymore patience I check if the front door is unlocked.

It is.

Without fruther time to lose, I burst into his apartment. My eyes grow wide when I scan the hallway. All the beautiful plants that were once placed in the corner of the room are now completely destroyed. Everywhere on the ground is broken glass laying.

Everything is destroyed.

My eyes get a glimpse of the living room wich looks even worse. Without fruther thought I practically run over to River's room. The door opens in no time and I immediately enter. Inside I find books and also broken glass on the ground. The bed is a mess and so is everything else.

My jaw almosy drops to the floor at the completely destroyed room.

My eyes meet a pair of dangerous blue eyes. My lips part meeting his intense gaze. Right there in the cornor of the room, River is sitting behind his desk with a glass of some liquid in it. But with the strong smell through the whole room I can already guess what type of liquid that is.

River looks like a mess. He is only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants. His chest is completely exposed. A slight blush takes over my cheecks but it quikly disappears. My eyes scan over his chest, amongst multiple tattoos that I didn't know he had, his face and chest are covered in bruises. My eyes start tearing up when they scan over his body. There is no way he could have done that to himself.

He wouldn't do that.

Right ?

I walk closer to where he is sitting. His hooded eyes scan my every move. There is a tension between us that I have never felt. But this one isn't attraction, this is guilt and hurt.

From wich I guess are both sided.

'What happened ?'

It comes out as a whisper.

He takes another big sip out of his glass while his eyes do not leave mine. I watch his adam's apple move a bit as he gulps the alcohol down his throat.

Our eyecontact is broken of when he lowers his head.

River's eyes are focused on the ground wich makes it difficult for me to read is facial expression.

Finally he speaks.


'You're not the only one with a shitty father.'

It hits me.

Something in me breaks, something that I thought was already broken. My eyes are filled with tears but I don't dare to let them fall. Everything I thought I knew about River was far away from the actual things that happen in his life. The truth that he never shared with anyone. The truth that made him the person he is today.

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