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A drug dealer ?

It was one of the multiple rumors I had heard about River West. This one was the rumor I never really thought about. My thoughts always drifted away to his family problems and buisness with my dad. But turns out there is much more River West does that I had no idea about.

For example dealing drugs.

It did suit him, being a drug dealer. It made him somehow even more attractive if that was even possible. It made sense now, all the rumors. Maybe that's why River never really denied all the rumors that were spread about him. Now I can call them actual facts.

'I thought that was just a rumor.'
Weirdly I actually did think it was just a rumor but by now I should know there aren't 'just' rumors about River West. Dumb me.

Suddenly my eyes are not connected to River's anymore. I find Neomi walking towards us. She looks really good. She is wearing a tight black dress that fits her body perfectly. But I see absolutely no Amara near her.

'Hi bitch !'

The smell of alcohol enters my nose. She is very much drunk already. Her legs are not even standing straight. Neomi is laughing and screaming at the same time. 'You cameeeee.'
'I did.'
'And you're with River ?'
'My dad send him with me to babysit me.'
'Ew boring but at least you're with your crush !'

My whole body freezes. Her words make their way through my brain. My eyes widen at what just came out her mouth. She is still smiling at me while not caring about what she just said. River heard it very well.

'How many times should I tell you he's not my crush.'

'Sure', this time it's River who speaks.
A smirk is plastered on his face.
'Shut up', it's the last thing I tell him before just walking away.

I grab Neomi and we walk to the dancefloor. She is giggling uncontrollably and I don't even know what's so funny. I really want to punch her in the face for what she just said.

How could she say that in front of River ?

Neomi seems to not give to flying fucks as she keeps on laughing uncontrollably. We make our way to the kitchen where the music is less loud. She hands me the bottle of vodka. I glare at her.

'Drink bitch !'
'I don't drink', I shrug. She looks back at me. Her mouth forms a small pout. Her begging eyes meet mine. I know I shouldn't drink. It has been almost a year since the last time I have drank. Old memories enter my mind.

Old memories of how my life fell appart after my mother died. The memories of the person I had become. The broken person I had become. How I despised myself every time I looked in the mirror. I didn't want to think about that again. I always push away those old thoughts.

I don't want to think.
I don't want to feel.

Without a single word I grab the bottle Neomi is currently holding. She gives me a surprised glare. I really don't care whatever my dad said. I'm free for tonight.

And when I'm drunk I won't have to think about River.

I swallow down a few gulps of vodka as if it is nothing. The burning liquid storms through my throat. There was a period in my life were I used to drink almost every other night. This was nothing to what I used to do.

I swallow down another gulp of vodka just so I won't have to remind myself of those old times. The alcohol in my blood makes me feel more alive then ever.

'I thought you don't drink.'
'I used to drink a lot in the past, then I stopped until now', I simply shrug.
Neomi is still looking at me with a shocked expression and I don't really blame her for it. The bottle in my hand makes contact with my mouth again and I take another sip.


A few bottles later and I'm definitely drunk. Now I'm just as uncontrollably laughing as Neomi. We laugh at something I don't really remember being funny at all. She is holding hee tummy while my whole body is laid against the soft couch. My eyes are focused on the high ceiling while Neomi is telling me something I don't reallu care about. I turn my head to her. Just by our eyecontact, we start laughing again.

'Angel ?'
I recognize the voice immediately. My body gets up from the couch and automatically turns itself to the owner of the voice. My eyes grow bigger ans so does my smile.
'You came!' Neomi yells and at the same time runs up to a very confused looking Amara. She hugs her. Neomi almost slips but Amara holds her.

'How did you get Angel drunk though. She neved drinks', Amara says. Neomi looks at me and we both starts laughing again.

'Guess what ! I don't rememberrrr.'
Amara sighs. 'You guys really fucked up.' I fake a pout.

'You're so serious', Neomi says.
I furrow my eyebrows and then I point my bottle in Amara's direction while saying : 'drink this to be less serious.'

Amara sighs again as she grabs the bottle out of my hands and gives it to some random boy who walks by. She then walks up to me and kneels down.

'Oh Angel why did you start drinking again ?' She asks me with a serious glare. I look up at here. Now I kinda feel bad.



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