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'Don't dare do anything Angel.'

My dad looks at me with angry eyes. He seems not to care about anything that I told him. He just cares about his own words. As if I haven't heard his shit before. I sigh in frustration.
'I won't until I know the truth.'
'No you won't find out anything nor do anything', he says. I look back at him with even more angry eyes. He can't say that while being in jail.

I would love to talk to him that way but considering the situation he is in right now I guess he has already nerves enough. I won't do anything but I will find out the truth. I don't care how bad it is, I just want to know what made River do this.
'I promise I won't do anything.'


When I am finally home from visiting my dad in that beloved jail he is still stuck at, I drink some coffee and leave to go to Neomi's house.

She asked Amara and I to come over tonight for some project we still need to finish together. Also I skipped school today so I have no idea what the project is about. School has been my last concern these past few weeks.

I park my car in front of the very well known house. The house looks even more beautiful in the light then at night. Memories start coming up from that night of the party. I would have remembered it as a fun night. If River haven't fucked it all up the next day.

I make my way to the front door. I knock a few times before Troy opens. He seems like he just took a nap.
'Hey you weren't at school today', he greets me with a slight smile. I make my way inside and we walk through the hallway together. All the memories come back. The room hasn't changed at all, it is just clean and empty right now with no loud music in the back and also no smell of alcohol or weed.

'Yeah I was visiting my dad', I answer him as we are still walking in the direction of the kitchen. He looks at me weirdly but then adjusts.
'My dad visited him as well, he said Robert will be out soon', he says. I look at him with a sudden light in my eyes. My dad never told me that. But I am happy, more happy then ever. I could literally cry right now.
'Really ?'
'I mean my dad says so.'
'Thank your dad for me', I say.

We make our way to the kitchen and my eyes immediately focus on the bar chair. The bar chair where River was sitting when I took care of the wounds on his hand after he punched Adam. I still wonder why he did that even though at school he doesn't even look back at Adam. Memories of how his lips felt on my neck made me shiver. My eyes then wonder to the person that is sitting on one of the other bar chairs.

'School was so fucking boring without you', Neomi says as she hugs me. I laugh slightly at her sudden comment.

'Where is Amara ?' I ask her as we pull away from the hug.
'She won't come', Neomi answers me.
'Yeah you missed some', it is now Troy who speaks. He seems to remember something funny as he slightly smiles. I look at the both of them in absolute confusion.
'We kind off had an argument today', Neomi says. 'What happend ?'
'She was just acting annoying and when I told her she is annoying as fuck, she started coming at me so then Troy had to pull us away before we started screaming at eachother even more', she explains as I look at her in absolute shock.
'Pleas make up with her. You guys are my only friends', I say ',also I am gone for one day and you are not friends anymore ?'
'Let's just give her some time to calm down.'
'Okay then, I need your help as well', I speak.
'What is it ?'
'We need to find out more about River's sister because it is pretty clear she is his weak spot', I say.

When I look at Neomi, the color leave her face. As if she just remembers something really bad by the mention of Sophia West. I look at her weirdly. Neomi seems so in thought all of a sudden as if she just forgot about my existence. I look over at Troy who is standing behind the kitchen island and he looks just as pale as Neomi.
'What happend to you guys ?'
'Angel, don't do any research on Sophia. I promise you, you won't like what you will find', it is Troy who speaks as he looks at Neomi with absolute concern.
'Wait I thought you guys didn't know her. When I gave you the document you had no idea who she is', I say as I look at Neomi. She looks back at me with guilty eyes. Something is very much off, they never act like this. Wich means they probably know her personally. But Neomi doesn't answer me and suddenly I remember something my dad told me.
'When I went to your party, that night my dad told me that I shouldn't spend too much time with you because he said you have a dark past but when I asked him about it he didn't want to answer me. Does Sophia have anything to do with that?' I ask her in hesitation.

She doesn't seem shocked at my question. As if she was already expecting them. But why does everyone know the truth but me. It feels as if all these families are somehow connected but I never knew about this connection and it makes me so mad because I deserve to know why everyone is warning me but no one wants to tell me the actual truth. I wait for an answer and after a long silence, Neomi finally speaks.

'Angel, there are a lot things you don't know about me.'
'Then tell me, you can trust me.'
'It was a long time ago, I was young and stupid. Sophia and I were friends but then I did something that destroyed our friendship.'
'Explain please', I say. Everything she says doesn't make sense but makes sense at the same time and I don't know what to think about all of this anymore. It feels as if everyone I meet has a secret that somehow connects to my dad. That's some scary crap.

'Are you sure you want to say this?' It is Troy who asks Neomi but she nods and maybe finally I will find out some parts of this complicated story.

'It was two years ago, as you already know Sophia is in greenpeace, the mental health centrum your dad owns. But I used to live there as well.'

I used to live there as well.

I look at her in shock.


This is the last thing I expected to happen. But it makes sense know why my dad knew about Neomi's dark past.

friends with Sophia

It all makes sense and I cannot wait to hear the whole story but at the same time I am scared of what will come out of this. How much more is there that I don't know about ?

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