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Intro High Society:

The Grimaldi family is know by everyone in Manhattan. They rule of the city, and Lucienne is a member of that family. Many thing she has it all, the beauty and money but what people don't see are her everyday struggles with stress and anxiety.

Her fate had been decided already until she met Demetre Black.

Demetre Black is someone who is also very well known in the city that never sleeps. However it is better if you don't know his name, it means you are save. He is the leader of the most feared maffia gang.

The both of them had such different lives but when their paths crossed, everything turned around.

A/N: Pls go ready my new story :)

Tears form themselves. Before I know it I am an absolute sobbing mess. My eyes don't dare look away from his. River takes in my messy state, he wonders if this is all just because he told me that he loved me.

it is


My attempt at speaking fails as I start bawling my eyes out. River leans in even more. His arms slinger around my tiny body and he breathes into my ear. His hot breath tickles me a little but I enjoy it.

However we don't speak. I just quietly cry and he comforts me without saying another word. None of us have the need to really say anything. The silence feels so peaceful at that moment and I am thankfull to River that he doesn't wait for me to say it back. But when I am finally done sobbing, he slowly wipes my tears away with his fingers. He smiles at me and my entire face lits up.

'You don't have to say it', he quietly says as his hands slowly stroke my hair.

When I am with River, I forget about the entire world. He has changed everything in my life. I have experienced so much different type of emotions with him and because of him. Even though I never have liked anyone the way I like River, this is more then just attraction. I have been attracted to someone in the past but this, this between us is much more then liking someone or being attracted to them.

I realised that after today, after I heard his words and calmed his pain.

'I love you too.'

My words come out so quiet that I wonder if River even heard me. I quikly realise that he did indeed hear me as his eyes shoot up to meet mine. There is an expression plastered on his face that I have never seen on him before.


Was that because of me ?

River smashes his lips back onto mine before I even have the chance to comprehend what he is feeling. Our lips interlock and he moves closer to me as I give him acces into my mouth. We are more close then ever and still I push my body into his for more closeness. I wanted to feel every tiny bit of him.

'River', I moan against his lips.

This is the most passionate kiss we have ever shared.

'I love you', he says as his lips part from mine.

With our foreheads against eachother's, I speak again.

'I love you too.'

I almost jump onto the soft bed. My body is tired of everything that just happened with River. After I told him that I loved him, we had finally parted and I went back to the hotel. This day has been good so far. I kind of really enjoy this type of lifestyle.

This hotel and just the time that I have for myself is something I really needed for a long time. I haven't self harmed in months now, even though a few days ago I was at my lowest, River was there. He made me feel wanted and loved. When I am around him, he is my happy energy. He is the solution for my depression.

I have no idea if that is a bad thing or a good thing.

Part of me is still broken. That part has been eating me up from the inside for so many years. It made me feel lonely and unloved. That pain and hurt has turned me into someone very distant. I had never liked anyone before, I had restricted myself from liking anyone.

When I met River, my body had all of a sudden broken all those thoughts and restrictions in my head. All of the pain in me was gone. It had replaced itself with pain that River caused. But also the love, attraction and intimate moments with him. Looking into his eyes made me forget about my own.

Maybe if I knew back then what would turn out of this, I wouldn't have said that I love him.


I am so sorry for this short chapter.

I want to inform you that the next chapter will be the last one of this book. It will be a really long chapter and will take a lot of time to write.

I hope you understand !

Thank you for reading !

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