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'You have a crush on River',Neomi almost yells out in shock. I don't blame her for it. Everyone is freaked out by him while I drool over him. I try not to let him enter my mind but I fail every fucking time. It annoys me
how I can't seem to forget him even though everything is already done and over with. 'No I don't.'

'You literally just admitted it.'
'I'm attracted to him because he's fucking handsome as fuck. Do you think I like him ? He has a shitty inside', I speak honestly. It's true.

Inside he is mean, not caring and dangerous in all aspects. I don't want to know anything more about him even though at the same time I really want do.

'Maybe he's attracted to you too ?'
'And why would he be attracted to me. He is mean and cold to me.'
'Well because at the gala he was really checking you out, I could tell. And so were you.'
'Yeah and then at the gala I found out all the rumors about his family are true. So maybe the other's are also true. Didn't Troy tell you anything?'
I ask her. I know I just told myself I wouldn't ask about him anymore. I shouldn't invest in whatever he is doing with his life but I just can't seem to stop myself. At this point I just feel like some stalker.

'River doesn't really talk about his buisness with Troy. They just hang out outside of school sometimes and my parents always invite him but that's about it. I mean even if Troy knew something, he wouldn't tell me', she explains to me.

I feel a little disappointed. I do want to know more. River makes me excited. Maybe I should ask my dad. Maybe I should tell him River needed a document from him and then he will explain everything to me. But maybe River would get in trouble with my dad if I told him he threatened me. I don't know why I'm so invested in this shit even though everything is already forgotten.

I sigh.

Why am I like this ?

'Oh okay', I answer Neomi who is looking at me with a weird expression. She seems to not understand something.

'Angel if I were you I would stay away from River. As someone who saw his life go downhill in just seconds, I can say you're in danger with him. He is cold hearted and only cares about his buisness', she tells me.

This affection I have towards him has to stop and I know it damn well. River is not some interesting school project. He is working with my dad. He beated that guy up like it was the hundredth time he did it. His family is crazy. There is no save zone when it comes to River West. These little interactions we had are over. And I need to stop whatever I'm feeling towards him.

I nod at Neomi.
'When is the party ?'
'Friday', she responds immediately.
'Hell yea I'm coming.'

Neomi's mouth forms a huge smile as she screams out in happiness.
'Yes !'


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