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I don't cry.
I don't move.
I don't scream.
I don't do anything at all.

After I have heard the whole story, it all makes sense now. And I can tell by the way Sophia explains it she is on my dad's side. Our dad's side. It is hard to accpet that fact still. From what i am guessing, River is just lost. He believes his dad John mostly but he also cares about Sophia, he just doesn't see through the lies of John. And I am in the middle of nowhere. I thought I was on my dad's side. I was fighitng for him without even knowing the cause of this fight.

Sophia and I talk for a while. Just about normal stuff. I wouldn't call us loving sisters yet but we could get along in the future. I want to like her, I really do but I just can't get the image of her and my dad together out of my head. I have already iamgined what their relationship is like, it is like a normal daughter and dad relationship unlike mine. And it hurts to find out this way. Just by the way she talks about him; she knows more then I do. They have a much stronger bond because he spends all of his free time on her wich leaves me with absolutely nothing.

After a little talking about my dad and her history, I decide to go. I just can't stay in this room any longer with her, my sister. The girl that has Rodriguez blood in her. The girl that I never knew about. And to be honest, I can't stand it so I should better get going.

'Tell my dad, our dad, that I will never forgive him', I tell her. She seems taken back by my sudden harshness towards my dad. At the end of the day he is my dad after all but I don't know wether or not this truth has scarred me for live and I won't be able to ever forgive him for the pain that he caused his own daughter.


I cut her off.

'Goodbye', I softly breath out. She doesn't say it back and that gives me the chance to leave this fucking building, I close the door behind me and walk through the same hallways as before.

Once I am in my car. I roar out of this fucking place. I regret coming here. If I hadn't came here, I wouldn't know this harsh truth. My dad is a cheater. He cheated on my mother with River's mom. It really hurts finding about this that way. The pain cuts through my heart and they leave scars that will never fade away. I was protecting my dad blindly even though he didn't deserve that. And a part of me understands that only know after hearing it all. I always thought I represented the perfect daughter. My dad always used to be so proud of me. Whatever he askes me to do, I did. I always went to those stupid buisness parties and meetups of his even though he knew damn well I hated it. But i still did it for him, for my dad , the person I would give my life too. And now even he has left me. Whatever I did wasn't enough for him to be with me and also try to spend time with me like he does with Sophia. She told me he visits her almost every other day and stays with her for many hours, almost the whole day. I don't need many hours and I never needed it, I just wanted at least one question about me, a little amount of interest in my life and how I am doing.

But I guess that is just too much to ask.

Whatever I do, it is never fucking enough.

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