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I have never been in an actual jail. It is very much different then what they make it look like in movies. It is not as dark and scary in real life. But this place still gives me shivers.

My grandma and I enter the jail where my dad is currently placed in. We quikly give our passports to the secretary. Then we have to fill in a document that says we are okay with the rules of the jail visitors.

Then one of the guards shows us to the visitor room. We enter the room together. It looks like a normal room. Nothing really special to be honest. The walls are a yellow ish color but you can tell it's by how old this jail is. There are a few little tables where some other visitors are sitting. We also take a seat at one of the grey tables. I wait in silence.

I haven't seen my dad in a whole week. Most of the time I am used to not seeing him that much because he used to always go on buisnesses trips but this time is different. It is difficult to realise sometimes that he is not in some plane flying to Europe, he is actually in jail.

The door opens and my eyes lit up as I see a very well known figure standing between two guards. I stand up and so does my grandma.

'Son', my grandma whispers as she gives my father a long hug.

My dad seems really happy to see us. Tears start forming in my eyes by just seeing him again. I don't let them fall, it is the wrong place for that. Here I have to be strong and strong only for my father and grandmother who care so much about me.

When they pull away, I shoot over to my dad. The heat of his body radiates to mine and I feel home again in his arms. We stay like that for a few seconds. Then we pull away and he gestures us to sit down again. He looks tired but happy at the same time.

'It is not as bad as I thought it would be', he starts speaking. I give him a crooked smile at the tought of my dad actually liking it in here. It does make me happy that he isn't as miserable and sad as I thought he would be. But this is Rober Rodriguez, the most strong man in the world. He can survive anything and sometimes I forget about that.

'I am happy to hear that.'
'Most of the guards treat me better then the other because they know who I am so that's a plus', he calmly speaks.

It makes me worry less knowing he is okay. I smile again. He is really doing good considering he is literally in jail. But that is the most important thing right now. That he is doing okay.

'So do you know who did it ?'

Suddenly my grandmother asks. I haven't told her anything I know because right now she doesn't has to know but this time I am not protecting River. If I need to, I will tell her or my dad what needs to be said and everything I know. But that day when my dad was taken away by the cops, I told him about River and the document so he should know by now it was actually him. I have a feeling my dad already knows this even before I told him that day. He is not dumb at all. I think he knows much more but maybe he doesn't want to tell us. For some odd reason I feel like he doesn't want to share that information with us even though I already know way too much.

'I am pretty sure it was River West', and while he says it, his eyes meet mine. He knows everything and I have a feeling he knows that I know it too. It doesn't shock me as I told him
myself it was him.

'You know we have cameras in the front yard', he is now directly speaking to me.

My face falls. Now this I didn't see coming at all. My mind goes blank just by the thought that he saw what happend that night at the front door of our house. Of course my dad has installed cameras. Why does that even shock me at this point. He is always a step ahead of me and ofcourse he knows everything that is going on. He always did. He knew that I started having these episodes even though I never told him. And know it is the same with River.

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