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The sound of my alarm is heard through my whole room. My eyes are half open as I search for my phone. I quikly turn of my alarm and turn to my back so that I'm now staring right at the ceiling. My eyes adjust to the sunlight. I sigh.

'Another fucking day.'

I do my usual morning routine as always. My skin looks good today. I brush my eyebrows out. I applie some lip gloss and mascara as I curl my eyelashes. For eyeshadow I applie a light brown color in a wing shape. Lastly a thin eyeliner wing and some parfum.

My hair is in a high ponytail today. It looks professionally done and I'm kinda proud of it.

The weather has been the same the whole month. So I decide to wear a pair of white mom jeans with air force's and my favorite black syre hoodie. It's prett basic but I don't really care today.

My breakfast contains of one coffee as I'm already late for school.

It's monday.

Yesterday has been a whole mess. I remember every fucking detailpf that stupid gala.

How River just walked in and talked to my dad like they knew eachother very well still made me feel some type of way. I also remember his intense stares. Or how his suit suited him perfectly and it made my whole body melt. How he leaned in at me by the bar. How close our faces were for a few seconds. Those were the most heated seconds of my life and I still remember the amazing feeling in my stomach when he was this close to me.

Memories of Neomi came back too. I did really enjoy spending time with her yesterday and maybe I would see her at school today. But that wasn't what made my head hurt.

The stuff she told me were insane. I don't know how to describe what River felt when his whole life was falling appart. I felt bad for him and it wouldn't surprise me if he's involved in some illegal shit with my dad.

He practically grew up without parents.


School is boring as always. First period is over and Amara and I are currently walking to english together. She had a rough weekend also as her parents were arguing again as alaways. I noticed how bad that affects her. She eats less and less and I think it has something to do with her parents also. But I don't go in on the topic.

I just tell her everything what happend at the party. She's just as shocked as I am. 'You should really stay away from him.' 'I do.'
'No you don't. You literally lied to Adam so that he would leave River alone.'  'So', I asnwer slightly irritated. I know damn well that she is right. And it made me feel weak.
'So you have a crush on him.'
'Are you crazy ? Look at him. He's a freak.' 'A very attractive freak.'
'He's not that attractive.'
'Sure he isn't', Amara quietly giggles.

I roll my eyes at her and focus my gaze on someone else. It's Neomi I see leaning against one of the lockers with Troy besides her. Troy heads off to one of the boys that calls his name. She looks a little lost.

'That's the girl I told you about.'
'Oh she's pretty.'
'Let's go to her. It's her first day and she probably doesn't even know where to go in this huge school.'
'What a kind person you are', Amara points out sarcastically.

We walk up to Neomi who looks happy to see us. Her smiles grews wider and I lean in to hug her as I don't know what else to do. Neomi gives Amara a hug also. They seem to like eachother already.
'Hi, I'm Neomi.'
'Amara, nice to meet you.'
'So how's your impression of our oh so beautiful school', I laugh.
'It's huge.'
'Everyone says that', Amara giggles.
'Well it's huge', Neomi repeats while also laughing.
'What lesson do you have right now ?'
Amara asks her. Neomi pulls out her timetable. 'I got biology with Mr Fund.' 'Oh you're lucky I had him last year, he's a sweatheart.'
'Oh okay that's good, do we have any classes together', she asks me.

'Show me your timetable.'

She gives it to me. I analyse it. My smile grows bigger.
'We have Physics and history together.'

Amara and I show Neomi where she has to be and then we walk to our classroom. We're slightly late but no one seems to notice. The teacher enters and we quikly take our place.


It is the end of the schoolday and there's only one class left.


I don't want any conversations with River but I fear this time he will ask me for the document.

I quietly enter the room. There aren't much pupils yet. My eyes burn in his back. It shocks me he's this early because usually he is never early. I keep my head up as I walk past him to my seat.

Now his eyes are burning in my back.
I don't want to sit right in front of him. Even that length between us is too close. I pick up my painting and pencils. I sit down a little fruther from him. I'm the only one at the front as everyone is sitting down in the back but I don't really care for once.

Then I put my airpods in and I don't look at River once. With full loud volume on I start painting. The design and painting process makes me relax. My body and mind seems much less nervous. I don't even notice how the period has already ended as the teacher walks up to me. I quikly take my airpods out.
'You have a talent Angel, I see how you paint with a passion.'
'Thank you, it relaxes me a lot.'
'I'm happy.'

'Hey Angel!' I notice Neomi in the door opening. She's waiting for me to come as I told her during lunch I had Art the last hour. I also notice we are the only people left in this classroom.
'Have a nice day', I tell my teacher as we walk out together. 'You too.'

Neomi sat with us during lunch and turns out she's really funny and not judging at all. I'm happy we became friends even though I always want to ask her about River. And I want to know everything she knows about him but I can't and shouldn't ask.

'So how was your first school day.'
'Fucking boring.'


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