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The car ride doesn't take that long and before I know it, I am standing in front of my house. River's hand is interlocked with mine and I glance at him one last time before knocking a few times.

It stays quiet for a long time.

My heart starts pounding faster when suddenly the door flies open. River makes a step back and our hands are no longer touching. All of my confidence and trust in myself has completely disappeared. The moment my eyes pierce into a pair of worried brown one's, I realise how hard I have missed my dad.

After everything that happend, he is still my dad and the person that took the best care of me, my entire life.

Whatever he does, I will forever love him. However that doesn't mean I will be able to forgive him.

'Angel, thank god', he doesn't stay still one  bit. My dad storms into my direction and hugs me while blankly ignoring River who awkwardly just stands there behind me. I hug my dad back.

I have missed this. Hugging him feels so peaceful, I could forget all my worries.

We finally pull away and my dad's eyes rest on River for some time before looking back the two of us. He furrows his eyebrows before his eyes grow wide and he seems upset for a quik second.

'So that's where you have been staying.'

'River has helped me a lot.'

I defend him.

'In wich aspects exactly?'

'I didn't come here to talk about my where I have been staying, dad.'

'I know, come in.'

We sit down on the milky colored couch, robably the most comfortable place to sit on, in this whole house. River is sitting pretty close to me and he quikly whispers something into my ear before my dad sits down on the opposite side of us.

'I'm here for you.'

'I know', I whisper back.

My dad doesn't take his eyes of off River and I. His gaze keeps going back and forth between us. As if he is trying to figure out what is happening between the two of us. I don't really blame him for it, I have been gone for almost a day now and he has no idea where I have been or what I have done.

If only he know what we did against his car. I quikly push that thought away.

'Angel, I want to explain everything from the beginning. I want you to understand my side of the story.'

'I'm listening', I say while leaning over a bit.

'Back when I was in high school, Samira and I were in a relationship. She was my first love but unfortunately we had to break up because of her strict family that wanted her to marry another man. We didn't have a choice, and I decided to let her go.'

I don't take my eyes of him. He talks with such hurt in his voice. Even though it's hard for me to picture my dad with anyone other then my mother, I feel for him. He must have really felt hurt when Samira was forced to be with someone else.

'After we graduated, both of us went to different colleges and our ways had parted. We still had eachother's phone number and later I had found out that she married John West. Around that time I started of my buisness as something small and when no one believed in me she was there for me. We had formed a friendship over the years.'

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