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I dont want to do this.

I don't want to spend time with River.

I don't want him anywhere near me even though at the same time I do.

He screams danger. And I'm dying to know who River West really is. But I have a feeling he would never tell me.
At the end of the day he's threatening me for some stupid document just because I saw him beat up someone.

I nod to my drunk dad who leaves us alone. I can still smell River's scent from when I hugged him. He smells nice.

'Let's go', I sigh. I bet River also doesn't want to spend time with me but he follows me. We walk besides eachother and our shoulders are bearly touching. How does he make me feel such a way without even touching me. It was an unknown feeling for me. I never felt like this before.

We walk up to the bar where a couple man were standing also, drunk obviously.

'What do you want to drink ?'
I look at him with an annoyed look.
'Vodka', he calmly speaks.
I roll my eyes. I don't want to be with him. I don't like how he makes me feel. Or how I cannot go to the police and just report him.

'One shot of vodka please.'
I smile at the young bartender who smilds back at me.
'Anything else beautiful?'
I can feel my cheecks already heat up but before I can answer, someone cuts me off.

'Stop flirting and give me the damn vodka', River speaks with an annoyed tone. He's impatient I see.
'He can do what he wants', I talk back to River. He seems taken back. He doesn't answer me, instead he gives the bartender one of the most scary glares. The boy gives River his shot of vodka. He swallows it all in one time without even making a face.

Just like water.

'Stop staring at me', his eyes pierce in mine and I'm caught staring at him again.

'Just can't help my obsession with you', I fake him a smile. He smirks.
'Oh I know, Angel.'

Phew he should really stop saying my name like that. My body heats up again. My fake smile fades away once River walks closer to me. His body is placed right a few inches away from mine. I'm leaning against the bar. His face come closer to mine and suddenly I forget about the existence of everyone else in this room including my own drunk father.

He places his empty glass on the bar counter. And leans away immediately. He just did this to intimidate me because he knows damn well how I feel when he's so close. There is a huge smirk placed on his handsome face. My body calms down as he isn't this close anymore.

'You know I think you're a big boy so you can go talk to one of those guys. You don't need a babysit', I say before heading past him. When I pass him, I make sure to bump our shoulders against eachother. Then without looking back at the most beautiful I've ever seen, I walk out of this fucking place.


I've been in the bathrooms for almost two hours now just sitting on my phone. I had no where to go. My dad especially told me not to leave this building and socialize with everyone. But there was literally no one even close to my age. Only River who I really didn't want to spend time with.

I still wonder if he forgot about the document...

I adjust my make up and decide to head back. Also I haven't eaten anything since I've been here. My feet which are hurting so bad right now, make their way to the gala again. There are a few people dancing while others are still drinking. Most of the guests are sitting around some tables socializing and eating the delicious food the coocks made.

Suddenly my eyes fall on some guests that have just arrived. The were talking to my dad right besides the entrance. Then I see River talking to one of the guests. It's a guy that looks River's age. Besides him is standing a young girl who looks around the same age. My father is talking to what it looks like their parents.

I decide to make my way to them as I have no better option. The girl looks pretty nice so maybe I could just hang around her the rest of the night. My eyes are still focused on River's back.

My dad notices me coming their way and I can see the excitement on his face.

'Ah there is my beautiful daughter.'
He almost screams out of happyness. And I can see the whole room looking at me. The new guests are staring at me also. But the only stare I care about is River's. His eyes are on mine again. His eyes once again wonder down my body and somehow I feel like I did a great job by choosing this exact dress.

'It's a pleasure to meet you', I smile as I hug both of the parents first.
'Indeed, I'm Zar Quest, this is my wife Leyla and my children Troy and Neomi', He introduces everyone.

I quikly give Neomi and Troy a hug too. Troy looks really attractive I have to say. Not on the same level as River but really handsome. He has brown midlenght hair, deep brown eyes with a little golden sparkles in them and a very tanned skin as if he just came back from vacation.

Neomi has blond dyed hair. It is pretty short, till her shoulders. She has the same eyes as her brother. She is really pretty I have to add. But that isn't really unusual considering their mom is an absolute beauty.

'So nice to finally meet you Angel.'
Neomi walks away from River and Troy. She walks up closer to me and we start talking.  I don't know why she knows who I am and I didn't even know about the existence of their whole family five minuts ago.

'Neomi right? You live here? I never met you or your family before.'
'We just moved here because my father has started some partnership with your dad.'
'Really ? And to wich school will yoi go then.'
'Elite West Academy I think it's called.'
'Yeah, I go there.'
'Troy, my sister and I are already signed in', she speaks in excitement.
I like her.
'Awh' I smiled 'that's awesome !'


We had been talking the whole evening. Neomi told me a lot about her and her family as I did the same. Turns out she has a younger sister Sydney. Also Troy and Neomi are twins so that explains the insane resemblance. I had the best time of my life with her.

During the rest of the evening I saw River with Troy most of the time. They looked like they knew eachother for much longer.

I decide to ask Neomi.
'Do you know River ?'
'Of course, he has been best friends with Troy ever since kindergarden.'
'So you know a lot about him.'
'Yes, why are you asking ?'

I don't know if I can trust her yet.
'Just tell me everything you know about him.'
'Well our parents were friends in the past. They were really succesfull. They lived in our town. That's how Troy and River became friends in kindergarden and we all went to the same highschool. But then things went bad with his parents and his father became alcoholic, he started beating his mother Clara. He cheated on her multiple times. That's how she found her happiness in drugs and became a drugaddict. Of course their buisness went downhill and when my parents wanted to help them, they just cut all bonds and moved away.'

My jaw fell to the floor.

Everything I heard was true.

Every fucking rumor.


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