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We enter the beautiful house. River walks besides me and our arms lightly brush against eachother's. Even that little gesture makes my body feel some type of way. I can still feel the heat of where his hands was placed earlier.

My eyes adjust to the dark house that is decorated with led lights in different colors. I try to ignore River's presence but utterly fail at it as he starts talking to me. Unexpected.

'If you don't like parties then why are you here ?'
'Because I promised Neomi I would be there. If you don't like parties then why did you come with me ?'

I know the answer to that question. But I want to expect something else from him. It's like watching the same movie over again but expecting a different ending. While knowing how it will end. Every fucking time.

He looks me in the eyes and I start feeling nervous again. Our eyes are piercing in eachother's and I don't really mind it at this point.

'Because your dad asked.'
'Yeah what is this between you and my dad anyway ? Did you beat that guy up because he asked you to ?'
'It's my turn to ask a question.'
'If I answer yours, will you answer all my questions ?'
'All of them', he nods and goes on with the question he wants to ask me.
'Why didn't you call the police that night when you saw me ?'
I sigh. It's the questions I asked myself over and over again. My mind didn't even know the question to that.

How would I even answer him ?

'I was calling the police but then I saw it was you. And I kinda didn't wanted to make shit worse for you because you know...' I wonder off. I don't know what to say at this point. He always makes me speechless. Just looking into those beautiful blue eyes make my nerves go crazy.

He ends my answer for me.
'Because everyone already judges me.'

I slowly nod at him while biting my lip again because of how nervous I am. In some way we really are the same. We both are judged because of where we're from and what choices our families have made in the past. Even though people fear my father and rather look up to me, it's the same thing kind off. He has bad luck with his family and everyone judges him for it.

'Yeah..' I wonder off again.
'Your turn', he says as we sit down on one of the couches. The main living room is full of teenager drinking and dancing like it's their last night. While we just sit all the way in the back where it's more quiet. I have no idea why I don't just leave River and go looking for Neomi. But I think I will finally have my answers.
'What were you doing that night ?'
I finally ask. He seems to think about it for a while. As if he's forming the right answer in his mind.

'The dude I was beating up, tried to sabotage my relationship with one of my best clients. So I made him regret it real bad.'

It is not what I expected to hear. I thought my dad asked him for it. But maybe his buisness with my dad is not the only one he has. As it seems, he has his own little buisness I guess.

'Why did you lie to Adam that day at the parking lot ?'

His questions make me feel even more nervous. Like how am I supposed to answer that? I can't tell him it actually made me feel bad for him when Adam did that shit to him. Like I never payed any attention to it at all but after our little conversation and interactions it did affect me. But telling him this would make everything then times worse as he will know I have a mad attraction towards him. I sigh again.

'I felt bad for you.'
He doesn't bulge nor move. He just sits there. He looks kind of disappointed at my answer.

'What other businesses do you own ?'
Now River is looking at me weirdly. As if I should know this answer. But I genuinely don't know. As if he can read the confusion on my face, he quikly answers my question.
'Don't you know Angel ?' he softly speaks.

'I'm a drug dealer.'


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