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I don't want to look away and he doesn't either. We just look. Our eyes piercing in eachother's. It is a weird but peaceful moment and I don't want it to ever end. The music is toned down in here and there is not a single soul in the kitchen. Everyone is busy dancing in the living room or smoking in the garden. I don't feel the need to look away.

I want to stay like this forever.

Suddenly River does something I don't expect at all. His hand slide from the kitchen counter to my waist in a split second. The heat immediately rushes through my whole body. Our eyes don't look away. His hands snicker around my waist. He pushes me against him. My body just stands there between his legs while he's still sitting on the bar chair. I feel his soft breathing on my cheeck. Our faces are only a few inches away from eachother. He leans in closer. His mouth is now against my left ear.

'You're beautiful', he softly whispers into my ear. My  breathing stops. My whole world just comes to an halt by those words. Hearing it from him makes me feel some type of way.

Suddenly I feel his soft lips against my ear. My whole body just freezes. My eyes grow big and multiple shivers run down my spine while his lips softly brush against my ear.

Before I know it, he starts leaving wet kisses all over my ear. My breathing is now loud and messy. My hands are getting really fucking sweaty. His lips make their way down to my jaw and then my neck. My hands cluth into his shoulders. My right hand travells to his messy hair. I softly touch it. It feels so good.

The amazing feeling in my stomach I have never felt before feels better then ever. It's the best I have ever felt in a very long time. This night really took a crazy turn.

His lips feel amazing on my skin.

He attacks my neck with his wet kisses. Then he leaves a hickey on my neck. After what feels like forever he pulls away. Our faces are so close it is unbearable. His eyes are now focused on my lips. I want him to kiss me so bad. My mouth is completely dry. Our heavy breathing is heard through the whole kitchen but our eyes are still pierced in eachother's. None of us want to pull away. His arms are still placed on my waist and he pulls me even closer. My hands are clutched to his shirt. My eyes scan his beautiful face. River is breathtakingly handsome. If he wasn't considered a freak, he could make girls stop walking and look at him just by his face. Even with the baggy clothes he wears, I can see that his body is very well toned. Everything about River is just beautiful. But he himself is the absolute biggest danger in our whole school. Somehow it makes him even more attractive.

His eyes look at my lips and then back at me again. It's as if he wants to tell me something but he's hesitant.

'Don't dare tell anyone about this', he softly pushes me away. His hands are no longer on my waist. River gets up from the bar chair and walks away without saying another word. He just leaves me there breathless.

Actually I could see this coming. What did I even think in the first place ? That he would want to be with me ? He probably regrets even touching me in the first place. I sigh in disappointment. I thought that if I would be drunk, I wouldn't think that much but it really didn't do anything.

It's time to leave this fucking party.


After telling Neomi and Amara goodbye, I start searching for River. My dad said River would take me home and I have no car so I guess he's my only option even though I really don't want to be with him right now. He makes me feel so nervous and after what happened, it doesn't sound like a good idea at all.

After what seems like forever, I finally find him. My legs are a little stumbling because after our little moment with River, I have drank even more vodka and beer so that's that. I don't know why but I'm smiling like an idiot. Without giving two flying fucks, I walk up to where River is standing. He doesn't seem interested in this party at all. He just stands there while leaning againt the wall. Strange, I haven't seen him drink or smoke at all while my ass is drunk as fuck.

Now even more then before.

'Hi River', I yell', I'm so happy to see you.'

I have no idea why I am so happy to see him again but I am. He looks humiliated at my sudden behavior but for once I really don't care.
'How much have you drank ?'
'A few shots', I sheepishly smile.
'You're lying.'
'Maybeeeeee', I am standing right in front of him. He still hasn't moved from his previous position. I notice a sigarette behind his ear.

Why does that make him even more attractive?

He suddenly smiles and my cheecks heat up. Just by him smiling at what I said makes me feel like the most happy girl in the entire world.
'Damn', I say without even thinking.
'What ?' he questions me.
'You're so handsome', I blurt out.

note to myself : don't ever drink again

River raises an eyebrow. He smiles even more. I don't even care that I just embarrassed myself in front of River, I'm too busy admiring his beauty to care. He seems to notice it.
'And you're drunk.'
'You know I'm not always like this.'
'I know.'
'You want to know why I drank so much tonight', I'm more slurring then talking clear at this point. But somehow River still understands what I'm saying.
'Tell me', I can see curiosity takes over on his facial expression.
'Mostly because I wanted to stop thinking about you you you', I'm talking slowly and energetic at the same time. At this point I don't even listen to what I'm saying but I know I'm going to regret it so bad.

River doesn't show any expression at my words. After a long silence he finally speaks.

'Let's go home, Angel.'


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