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The house is completely empty once I arrive from school. My grandmother went to the lawsuit because my dad wanted her to be there. He didn't want me there even though I am his daughter. And that does affect me in some way. I want to be there so bad to support my dad through these hard times but I know my dad and he will get mad if I show up there without any warning what so ever.

He always has a plan. And I am pretty sure he has one right now too. I just need to have trust in him while also doing my own research. That's why I grab all the documents on the 'West' family that my dad keeps in his office. Most of the documents about River are already in my room. I grab the other documents and go to my room. I need to know the real River.


Hours have passed and everyting I try to find out something ,it all leads to Greenpeace. Neomi told me she was there two years ago wich means she was fourteen while Sophia was sixteen. It means she is now eighteen years old, and I read that Greenpeace let's there patients leave when they turn eighteen if only they don't have a very serious disease or personal trait. Wich means Sophia isn't there just because of depression or anxiety, she has some serious mental issues. But no where is written what she concretely has. There is in big lines written that she is kinda crazy but no symptoms nor diagnose name. It is really weird.

I also found other things.

There is written that Samira and John, River's parents, divorced when River was five years old and Sophia was seven. The reason is unknown and written as 'personal'. I dive into more documents but there is nothing interesting or useful written. I decide to put the document away because if my dad comes home to this, he is going to be mad that I have looked into his documents. So I make copies of the important information and the other documents I put back in there place.

Then I grab my car keys and I head out.



For a mental health centre, it is pretty fancy and not scaring at all. I can see my dad worked hard to make is this beautiful. I could literally live here and I wouldn't mind. It is breathtakingly pretty. The building is very fresh and there is hugr parking lot where I park my car. Then I head out to the entrance.

I enter Greenpeace. It is weird to consider this place as a mental centrum. It looks more like a hotel. The secretary behind the desk looks at me weirdly as she has never seen me before. I can see the recognition in her eyes as if she only know realised who I am. I hear her slightly gasp.

It is weird that everyone knows me as the daughter of the boss. People treat you much different. But I think this situation is much different, she doesn't want me here. As if she already knows why I am here but whatever she says, I won't go away before speaking to Sophia.

'Good evening miss Rodriguez, how can I help you', the secretary puts on a fake smile as she welcomes me. I smile back at here as I walk up to her desk. I think about how I should form this sentence.
'I'd like to visit someone', I finally speak.

Then her face falls and she just looks at me with a sudden fear in her eyes. As if she really doesn't want me speaking to anyone in here and I wonder what she is hiding, what my dad is hiding. He is probably behind this because this wouldn't be such a problem if I wasn't Angel Rodriguez. It starts to annoy me. I just need to talk to Sophia. That's all I ask. Why does everything has to be so complicated.

'I am sorry I can't do that.'
'Why not ?'
'Mr Rodriguez said so.'

what ?

How did my dad even know I would come here. Like it is insane. If this woman immediately got scared when I entered it means my dad is hiding something in here.

Everything about this is weird.

'I just need to talk to Sophia West.'

Her face falls. As if she expected another person and know I really wonder who is in here.

'I have to ask Mr Rodriguez', she says.
'He is in jail', I speak back ',just let me in please.'

It is quiet for a few seconds. Our eyes are glued to eachother's and I wonder what the woman is thinking about. She is clearly thinking this through.

'Fine', she speaks as she opens the little door for me that leads to a long hallway. I walk through the hallway with now the secretary walking besides me. She seems a little scared as if I am going to run away.

We walk up the stairs and she leads me to the other side of the building. When I enter the red hallway, I look around me for the first time. It is more like a hospital. The walls are half white and half red. There are multiple beds and devices on one side of the hallway. It is freaking me out just a little.

The stress finally hits me once I am right in front of her door. It feels weird. I am stressing out because maybe I will find out the truth today. After all these weeks of wondering what happend and what went wrong, maybe Sophia will finally tell me. But maybe she doesn't know also ? There is a possibility considering she has been in her for almost five years and only River visits her. I saw it on her documents of visits. Her mother only came a few times. Her father never visisted her in those five years.

The lady leaves me there right in front of the door. I hear the click of her heels through the whole hallway while she walks fruther and fruther away from me. I inhale and outhale deeply before grabbing the doorhandle. The door pushes open and I enter.

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