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There is no sight of River the rest of the night. We enjoy our time together. Amara keeps me away from any other drinks then water and even though I really feel like drinking more, deep down I'm thankful I have such a friend as Amara. I spend the rest of the time just dancing with Neomi. We sway our hips against eachother. The music makes my whole body move. My arms and legs move along with the beat of the song and I enjoy myself while I forget about all my current worries.

I almost forget about River.


And as if he heard me, my eyes suddenly find his. He's casually leaning against one of the walls. His body doesn't move at all. But his eyes analyse my whole body. They scan every inch of me. He looks at me with that intense stare. His eyes turn dark. The amount of heat building inside of my stomach just by his intense stare is unbearable. He had that preditor state. As if I am his prey, he scanned my body and deep down I know I really fucking enjoy it.


Then the next thing happends and suddenly our intense staring is disrupted by a well build and tall body that is standing in front of me. While my body is still intensely moving with the music, I look up to.

Adam Williams is not even looking at me. His eyes scan over my body. He has a lustfull stare and I suddenly remember Amara's words about his crush on me. If only River wanted me like that.

'Wanna dance ?'
'I'm already dancing Adam', I hiss back at him. I don't want this loser in front of me. I want to find those beautiful eyes again. Without looking at Adam again, I try searching for River. While I'm still placed in the center of the dancefloor, my eyes are scanning the whole room. But there is no sight of River. My mouth leaves a sigh. It's all his fault, stupid Adam.

Speaking about Adam, he hasn't moved an inch. His just standing there waiting for me to dance with him wich I'm not planning on doing in a hundred years. I smile to myself as I think about it.

Adam and I ?

That would never happend.

'Come on Angel, only one dance.'
He starts walkinv closer to me. Now I can feel the heat of his body. But it doesn't feel good like it did with River. When River's body was close to me, my stomach exploded and I stopped breathing. But with Adam it didn't do anything to me. Because I have absolutely no interest in him at all. 'Fuck off Adam', I sigh.

He's really fucking annoying me right now. I feel the sudden need to punch him. I know the sober Angel wouldn't get this irritated but guess what I'm really fucking drunk.

Like really fucking drunk.

He furrows his eyebrows. I can tell he's still sober. It looks like he just arrived and he probably hasn't drinken yet.

Me on the other hand...

Adam seems to be confused by my sudden behavior. I don't blame him actually. I am never like this. God I never even attend these kind of parties. The sobed Angel behaves nice and never does anything bad. At least that's what people think about me. This probably gave pupils at my school a whole other perspective about me.

'There is something else I wanted to ask you about', he suddenly speaks.
'Why did you lie to me ?'
'Excuse me ?' Now I'm the one who is confused as fuck. I have absolutely no idea what Adam is talking about and to be honest I aslo really don't care.

'You lied to me about my car that morning at school. I didn't understand at first but now I think I do', he calmly explains. We have walked away from the dance floor to a more quiet place. The beautiful night breeze hits my skin when we walk to the back garden where multiple teenagers are mostly smoking weed. I scrunch my nose in disgust at the smell of the smoke. I don't know why though. Considering there was a moment in my life where I would smoke almost every day.

'Oh tell what you think. I'm so intrested', I answer him in a sarcastic tone. He looks unimpressed at me.
'You did it for that freak didnt you. Are you guys secretly dating or something. The rich girl and the school's biggest loser cliché.'

Adam's words hit me hard. As if he just slapped me in the face. My jaw drops to the floor. He isn't as dumb as he looks after all. Now I'm really mad at him for what he just said. I felt the sudden need to protect River. But before I could even try to say anything back, Adam's face made contact with someone fist. He fells back to the floor and I see River sit on top of him while he beats the fuck out of him. Now my jaw is actually dropped to the damn floor. I look in absolute shock at a very mad River. He never did anything back at Adam's bullying. So why now ?


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