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I almost fall asleep in the car. The car ride normally doesn't take long at all but somehow tonight it seems so much longer then usual. River doesn't look at me either, he is just concentrated on the road. His eyes seem tired also. His hair is an even bigger mess than before. I sigh as I can still feel the alcohol in my blood and I know it's not good. My dad will immediately smell it. He is going to give me a long ass lecture about how I shouldn't drink.

River seems to notice but he doesn't say anything for the rest of the car ride. We just sit there in absolute silence. It feels peaceful.

After what seems like forever, we arrive. River parks his car in front of my house. I notice that all the lights are off, even my dad's cabinet. I wonder how late it is.

'Are you going to sit here all night ?'
River's voice is heard through the whole car and for a quik moment I forgot I am currently sitting in his car. His words cut through me. Now he was acting all tuff again.
'Fuck you', I say. It's the last thing I say before getting out of the car and smashing his car door shut as loud as I could. With anger building up inside of me, I walk to my front door.

I look behind me one last time. When I do, my eyes meet those beautiful blue one's. They cut through me. Pierce in to mine as always and it makes me feel some type of way. But when I'm about to look away, River does something unexpectedly.

He gets out of his car in a split second. I see him shut the car and when he does so, he storms into my direction. Suddenly I feel a little scared. He looks so intimidating.

When he's almost there I stumbe back. I lean onto the front door while watching him almost fly over to me. In a split second his hands are around my arms. He put them against the wall. His whole body is against mine in just seconds.

I'm very much confused by his sudden actions. It makes my stomach heat up. My whole body freezes just by his closeness. His skin against mine and the feeling I had at the party when he gave me that hickey had returned.


I look into his eyes. They have turned dark.

'What are you-'

I don't have the chance to end my sentence. He smahes his lips against mine and my head falls back against the door. His lips on mine makes my whole body shiver. My knees feel weak and my hands are already all over him. For a split second I don't know what I should do. I have no experience with this shit. But I kiss him back immediately. This is what I wanted for so long.

Our lips are connected to eachother and none of us have the need to pull away. He doesn't kiss me softly, his kiss is rough and I love it. He softly bites my lower lip and I have the sudden need to moan. His hands rubb against my tigh. The insane pleasure I feel is something I have never felt before. His lips on mine feel so good. He puts his one hand in my hair and holds my head against his. Our body's move against eachother's. I feel so hot while being trapped in his body. He takes complete lead of our kiss. After sometime his tongue enters my mouth and I just let him. We explore eachother's mouths and it makes the kiss even better. He completely took over my mind and body.

River pulls away for some air and I do too. My head is leaning against the door while my eyes are focused on his. He is intensely breathing while
his dark eyes are on me. We stay like this for some time. Then he moves my body against his again.
'Let's get you to sleep', he quietly whispers in my ear. He completely just ignores what happend between us and I don't really care about it at the moment. All I can think of is how his lips were against mine and how it made me feel like the most special girl in the world. With him I was the happiest I have ever been.

I quietly nod while River opens the door. We quietly enter. It's completely dark. We put off our shoes and jackets. He follows behind me. I stumble on the stairs but River is there to hold me. His hands are on my hips and it makes the heat in my stomach return.

After we enter my room I look at him. He just stands there while looking at me with that smug smirk.
'That dress really suits you good.'
'Your face suits you good', I stutter while saying. So I'm still drunk.

He quietly laughs while shaking his head. 'Get some rest', he softly whispers in my ear and then my body is left cold. I no longer feel his body against mine and I watch him leave my room.

This night took an insane turn.


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