Who is your Shepherd?

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Joh 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

Whenever somebody mentions the word shepherd the first thing that comes to mind is sheep. I’d imagine it’s the same for all of us. A shepherd has a close relationship with his sheep. He knows about their state and regardless of bad it might be, he takes care of his sheep. His role as a shepherd is one of tending to the
needs of the sheep.

Sheep are tender animals that are usually comfortable around their flock. They depend on fellowship rather than independence. They are easy to care for and would depend on the shepherd for almost everything.

The bible refers to us as sheep. As people that need to be dependent on Jesus Christ and all He has to offer. Evil spirits cause people to leave church for no apparent reasons. It’s an evil spirit that causes some kind of withdrawal and a type of independence that breeds in pride.

Being a dependent shows humility and stirs up the spirit of being teachable and being corrected. The only reason why Peter stayed around was the ability that he had to take correction and rebuke.

Mt 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

The scripture above produce such strong words. Seems a little too unbearable. It’s almost hard to believe such words could have come out of the mouth of Jesus Christ, the son of the living of God. He was too accommodating. The Lamb of God.

Jesus is described as both the Lamb of God and the lion of Judah. What a paradoxical statement! It seems He’d have characteristics of timidity and fierceness in the same vessel. A lamb is so harmless. So peaceful. While a lion is aggressive and wild. A lion is beastly, hence the name, king of the jungle. The difference between the two animals is that one is domesticated and the other is wild.

One is prey to the predator. A lion could eat up a lamb with no show of mercy. So then why would Jesus be described as the lion of Judah? Does He have some kind of fierceness in his stature? Well, He sure does. You cannot fight disloyalty while being cute. You cannot fight the devil while painting your toe nails, oh no! The devil means war! Anything that stands against the will of God has to be fought aggressively. You cannot tolerate unbecoming behavior if you are to be a good shepherd.

Sheep have to know their place and be able to be corrected. Without correction, they’d deteriorate into lesser versions of what they are supposed to be.

1Pe 2:25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

The scripture above reveals the importance of having a relationship with Jesus Christ. We were as sheep going astray. We erred and were headed in the wrong direction and when Jesus showed up, He caused us to walk in the opposite direction. The presence of Jesus Christ directs our path. When we were headed to hell, He came and offered Himself unselfishly so we could gain Heaven.

Having a relationship with Jesus starts at the moment when one becomes born again. Jesus can never be our shepherd if we haven’t accepted Him as Lord and personal savior. Receiving Him as Lord and personal savior gives Him the legal right to affect us with His presence. Our receiving Him, makes Him easily shepherd our lives.

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