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One of the things I had to learn as a believer was how to walk in the pure love of God. Many of us in one way or another have suffered the pain of rejection. It also isn't so noticeable but many fruits we produce are determined by what we are deeply rooted in.

There's a little child in me that always wanted to be accepted. There's a burden that I carried around, I was heavily burden and couldn't seem to grasp the truth the word of God is able to provide. For a person that has done a lot of bad things, it's hard to let go of the guilt and to be free of pain and sorrow. It's hard!

As a little kid, I never had many friends and it was hard to live in a world isolated from people I thought were cool. I wanted to be like them and I wanted to dress like them. I desired to be in their little groups. Isn't it funny or weird that even as young adults, there's such desires; always wanting to be a part of the elite class?

I had some few friends and I appreciated them but I changed schools a lot and never got the chance to develop a deeper relationship with my peers. I seemed to always move to a new place. Perhaps the biggest move, a move that would change my entire life was immigrating to another country.

I never understood why I had to leave my town and leaving my country to live elsewhere, that was really painful. I had to learn to adapt to new customs and a new culture. Today I speak multiple languages because of that experience. Had I not left for varsity, I'd still be living in that country.

I think the problems of race stem from the fear of accommodating people that might be a little different from us. When you meet somebody that isn't like you, your mind doesn't easily register on how to relate with that individual. Thankfully, as I kid, I never saw color. I just saw people that I wanted to hang around but society likes to group us in classes and it separates us and makes us unable to appreciate our differences. Believers face it too and racism is one of the biggest strongholds of the devil.

I was treated a little different. I spoke funny. I was labeled dumb and unable to understand academic work. There was never a time I did well. I failed all my subjects. It wasn't an easy transition to make. I felt rejected and thought I would never fit in. My family was my only anchor. Some days, I didn't want to go to school, I felt defeated even before I awoke. There isn't so much a kid can handle and that was too much of a load to be carried around by a nine year old.

Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. {we hid...: or, he hid as it were his face from us: Heb. as an hiding of faces from him, or, from us}


Jesus is relatable because He has been through what many of us suffer through. Jesus Christ suffered the pain of being rejected and despised. He was a man acquainted with sorrows of many kind. I love that Jesus Christ is willing to carry all our burdens and pain and guilt. He is willing. I find comfort in knowing that freedom lies in Jesus. Accepting Jesus Christ begins a journey of healing that nothing else could ever provide.

It was hard believing I could do anything good. My Dad always supported me. He did stuff I hope every good father does. He made me read, he made me confess positive affirmations. He called me smart when everyone else called me dumb. In spite of all the things he said, I couldn't really believe it. I was always behind in school work. I always needed help. I took remedial classes, which at the time, where called 'special classes.' What I had in common with the few people that took those classes was that we all failed and even in that class I was the dumbest. Talk about failure!

Nothing heals a heart more than the pure love of God. One the many things God heals is our hearts. He promises a new heart when we receive Christ. A heart refreshed and ridden of guilt and shame. A heart that is able to love. He changes us. He performs a surgery on our hearts.

Eze 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.


Everybody needs a new heart. When you have been through difficult circumstances, you need a new heart. A new heart is required for the girl that keeps getting dumped by different men. When people walk out of your life, you'd need a change of heart before you can believe there are people who would want to commit to you.

 God takes away our stony hearts. I was bitter and cold before I received Christ. I hated everybody including my own parents who only wanted to help me. It all started as a little kid. Salvation provides a medium on which Jesus heals us of things that occurred so many years ago. Many angry people really just want companionship. I was an angry kid and I needed Jesus as much I still need him now. I needed Jesus, and you need Him too.

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