Broken to pieces

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I had a bad past. I found myself in many casual relationships and never made any attempt to stick to one partner. I was determined to have multiple partners and to involve myself in activities I only wished I never participated in. I broke a lot of girls' hearts, something I am not proud of. If only I had been saved a little sooner!

Much of my sinful life revolved around girls and drink-up parties. Even though I gave up my drinking habit six months prior to my salvation, I still hang around a few clubs on some nights if I managed to escape my house. My parents had no idea what I was involved in. If they were to read this book (hope they don't), they'd be so shocked or maybe grateful.

When I gave my life to Christ in 2014, I always felt condemned and most times I felt unqualified to preach Christ to others. A lot of times, I met people that had trouble with stuff I couldn't understand. I only also tried to live for God. It wasn't perfect. I made so many mistakes! I carried around some guilt that I couldn't lift off when I was left by myself. Each time I depended on my Christian folk to help me believe in the word of God and what it said about our identity in Christ.

It is in the same year of 2014 that I met a very remarkable young lady. She had the warmest heart and wore the nicest smile. I liked her, as you might have guessed. In a short period of time, I befriended her and before our friendship could develop, we started dating.

At the time, I was born again. I was still getting on the hang of living the Christian life and making good Christian decisions. I also thought, dating her was the best decision I had made. I was wrong.

My relationship with this nice young lady reprioritized my schedule. Not too long after meeting her, my Morning Prayer time was converted into little chats that made me slowly drift away from the connection I had with God. I struggled a lot with reading my bible too.

Backsliding is usually subtle. When we stop doing the things that were so important to us at some point in our lives, we would have backslidden in one way or another. I never saw it like that, I felt God had given me the relationship of a lifetime! I was 17 for crying out loud.

Some of the little experiences we have help others. What we experience can be a lesson passed on to another generation or to other people that want to live for God. In life, we are always transitioning and at each transition, what prepares us for the next one is perhaps what we learned while in the process of transitioning. 

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