Could this be love?

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I discovered recently that everyone has an opinion about what love is. My youngest sister, who's a lot younger than I am has a few views of her own. Which got me worried. Well, at least, at first.

I love that she still likes Disney movies and Nickelodeon. Her idea of what love is, is quite healthy. Some of us mighty have learned about love or relationships from television. The media isn't always the best place to know about certain topics.

While we know everything about the perfect guy and the perfect girl to marry, there's little or no information that we might have been taught off of the Bible. What I learned about sex, for instance, I learned off the internet. And it was presented in a very perverted way. Ways I wish I had never known!

1 Corinthians 10:23 New Living Translation (NLT)

23 You say, "I am allowed to do anything"[a]—but not everything is good for you. You say, "I am allowed to do anything"—but not everything is beneficial.

One of the most amazing things we get to enjoy as believers is our freedom in Christ. Freedom doesn't make us live however we want to live, but it rather makes us more responsible.

Not everything is beneficial. Not everything is good for us. Sometimes what we interpret as love is really just lust. Sometimes when we have been in some kind of system, it makes everything a little complicated. A system that might have been working for a while is not easily broken. It always easier to stay in something toxic than to want freedom. We want something exciting and even though we know it's not good for us, we still stay anyway. Systems are not easily broken. When a system becomes a mentality, it's even harder to change.

Most of what we learn about sex we see on social media. I don't think there's ever been a more sexual generation than the one we are in. A lot of relationships breed in sex and only stir up our lust for worldly pleasures.

1Th 4:3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:


God is concerned about our sexuality. God is so concerned about it that He had to choose a virgin. Don't you think they were many other potential candidates to carry forth the plans of God other than Mary? She was important, and not just her spirituality, but her being a virgin.

Her sexuality mattered to God and it matters even now. There's a better relationship of pure trust, honesty and transparency. That relationship can be found in Jesus Christ. He won't abuse you, nor will He abandon you. Jesus is committed to keeping you for good. I know for a fact that we struggle with our sexuality and might not have safe spaces or a platform on which it can be talked about. We suffer in silence and give the enemy a field day even in our sexuality.

It's only the devil that would make us believe we can alter our genders and become whoever we chose to be. Our problems of homosexuality and gender are not a new thing, oh no! There's enough episodes recorded in the Bible. When we discover our worth and know who we are in Christ, we have higher chances of standing our ground.

Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. {ordained: or, prepared}


 This is my favorite scripture. God designed us to function in a way that cannot be fulfilled except we have a relationship with Him. Without having a relationship with Jesus we'll always be confused about things that are rightfully ours. Before you were crafted, God was. Before you were named and pronounced a living body, God had already planned everything he set out for you to do. Your existence was purposely planned for by God the Father. You must never forget that!

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