Only Believe

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Our belief systems shape the people that we become. A lot of us have a scientific kind of belief that is limited to facts and logical explanations. The minute we cannot prove the existence of a certain thing, we become unbelieving.

The highest kind of faith a person can have is the faith of believing in the word of God. When you see Jesus as a savior, he saves. When you see him as a healer, he heals. Whatever you make Jesus out to be, he becomes. If Jesus is merely just a historical figure to you, you cannot believe in his power.

Mt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. {JESUS: that is, Saviour, Heb}


Jesus' mission on earth was so important that an angel needed to appear for the right name to be given. Think about it for a second. In Mary's position, had the angel not visited her, she would have been confused. Jesus would have been called another name. Mary was young and there was no plan for a baby until at least after she had gotten married to Joseph.

The coming of Jesus was long planned. Jesus never came to earth accidentally. He wasn't on tour and suddenly decided to visit one of the planets of the solar system. His coming was as important as your salvation. You are so important, it took the coming of the son of God to save you.

Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. {shall call: or, thou, O virgin, shalt call }


It was prophesied by Isaiah that Jesus would be born of a virgin. Of course Mary never knew about the plans of God, but God's plans were acted out through Mary who was a believer of what she had been told. Jesus' power to save us is dependent on how we see him and what we choose to see.

There's many stereotypes about places that we have never been to. In the movies, Africa is just some jungle with Zebras and rare animals only unique to the continent. The same place is home to millions of people that have never known another home. What we see about something determines the value of the thing.

Only an artist knows the true value of his painting regardless of how it's prized. I look at some paintings and marvel at how much money people are willing to spend on something I would never buy, given the chance. The difference between me and a connoisseur of art is what we see in those pictures. If Jesus merely just died for us, we reduce him to every other person that just died for a good cause. His power is found in the resurrection.

Much as I appreciate people that died for a noble cause, their death doesn't affect me in any way. Jesus' death affects our position eternally. The minute he rose, he had done away with all our sins. If only we can accept him! Jesus Christ changes everything about our lives and the first thing he does is to pave way for us to the Father.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


All the Father knows, Jesus knows. The Father cannot know you if you have no relationship with his son. You become estranged to God when you don't have Jesus as your savior. Jesus makes the connection to God. Yes, we might pray and go to church and do all the pious activities that revolves around the believer, but it doesn't change the fact that God doesn't know us.

I went to school for so long knowing that the school had a school principal. I always had that knowledge and I related to him in that manner, as school head. When a friend of mine introduced me to him, everything changed. He was still the head, but I knew him in a way that others didn't know him. As I got closer to him, he became less of a scary figure and more of a man that was very good at mathematics.

            Jesus gives us the opportunity of knowing God as our Father. When we give our lives to Christ, our revelation of who God is to us changes. That alone can take away religion from a relationship that is supposed to be spiritual.

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