Chapter 4 - Plan B

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What were they up to? 

There weren't many windows in the building but you could tell there were multiple police cars outside from the bright blue and red flashing lights. I couldn't help but get increasingly nervous, wondering how this scenario could end without anyone getting hurt.

"Why aren't the police coming in?" Dahyun whispered in my ear.

"I don't know but this should be over soon, there's no place for the robbers to go." I tried to comfort her, even though I was wondering the same thing.

The bank phone started ringing behind the desk. Hongjoong smiled and waltzed over to pick it up. He must be insane.

"Hellooo~" he sang.

"This is the police. We have you surrounded. Come out with no weapons and your hands up, and no one has to get hurt."

"Hmm, now that's an option, but that would involve me going to jail. I wouldn't do well in jail; you know what they do to pretty boys in there. It's going to be a no to surrendering, thanks though."

"The only other way this will end is us coming in there and using force. Some of you may get shot if you resist. It's better if you just surrender."

"Hmm, well I wouldn't do that either. You see if you try to shoot us, I have eighteen pretty little hostages that could get hurt too."

Some of the hostages gasped. Dahyun started whimpering quietly. I thought there was no way he could hurt us, but maybe I was wrong. He did seem crazy.

Hongjoong continued, "I think together, we can come up with a much better option for this to end. An option 3."

"And what would that be?"

"You'll see soon enough." And with that, Hongjoong slammed down the phone and turned back to the others. "Alright here's the plan. First, Jongho take all the cellphones from the hostages. Then, Mingi, you can search each of them for anything that could be used against us. Weapons, hard objects. Be thorough, I don't want any mistakes. Wooyoung, Yeosang, San, you can watch the rest of the hostages. Once Seonghwa and Yunho get the safe open, we'll move on to our escape plan."

Jongho strutted around, grabbing each hostage's cellphone, turning them off, and tossing them into a bag. Dahyun handed hers over tentatively, as Jongho stared at her. The creep stared a little too long at my best friend. I waved my phone in front of his face to get him to stop. He looked at it and snickered.

"You really are a mess huh? Broken phone, dirty clothes. You look like a homeless person."

Damn, it must have broken when I got knocked over earlier. How did I not notice?

Jongho grabbed my phone and moved along, as Mingi started to call people into a back room, one-by-one, to get searched. After Dahyun went I got called up to go next. I walked in to the room to see Mingi sitting on the desk. He got up and walked over right next to me. I could feel the heat radiating off his body as he towered over me. He really was handsome, even with part of his face covered by the mask. He put his hands on my shoulders, then gently ran them down my back to my hips and legs. He had his body pressed up against me, and I could feel his muscles moving as he did. My heart started beating, but not out of fear.

I can't believe that this criminal is turning me on.

I was embarrassed to admit it but this was probably the most intimate I had ever been with a man. I had never had a boyfriend.

Mingi moved his hands slowly from my hips over my stomach.

Ugh, why does he have to be so close to me? I accidentally gulped, causing Mingi to look me in the eyes. He smiled when he realized how nervous he had made me. And then he deliberately pulled me in even closer. I could feel his breath on my forehead, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Do I make you nervous?" he teased. He pulled down his mask, revealing the rest of his face. His dark eyes narrowed in at mine and my heart started to beat out my chest. He held onto my waist with his strong hands, as they squeezed us together.

He smirked at me. "I can feel your heart beating."

"N-no. I'm just scared of being a hostage, that's all." I looked down at my feet.

"Well as long as you're a good girl and do what I say, you won't get hurt."

"Fine." I mumbled.

"What's your name?" Mingi loosened his grip and went over to sit back on the desk

"It's Y/N."

Mingi smirked as he leaned back on the desk. "Well Y/N, take off your shirt."

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Here's some soft Mingi for you cause he isn't always rude.

Here's some soft Mingi for you cause he isn't always rude

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ATEEZ HEIST [18+ Yunho/Mingi Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now