Chapter 16 - Thigh

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"You're going to regret that so much tomorrow morning."

His demeanor had completely switched from sweet and goofy to harsh and frightening. My worthless escape attempt had sent him into a rage. His hands had my arms roughly pinned to the wall with a bruising amount of force.

"Let go! You're hurting me." I whimpered under his dominant stare.

He ignored me, "And after everything you've done already..."

"I haven't done anything! You can't keep me here like this against my will!" I kicked at his shins like an angry child. One of the kicks hit pretty solidly, making him grunt in pain.

"First you lock me in the bank's storage room to freeze. Then your escape attempt got my friend shot. Then you try to escape again by jumping out of my window. And now you're kicking me! Have I missed anything?"

I shook my head no.

He continued, moving in a little closer. "I was going to be nice, but I only have so much patience. If you insist on being a bad girl, I'm going to treat you like one."

He grabbed me at the waist and lifted me into the air. I tried to push away, but it was no use. I was helpless against his strong grip. He carried me over to the bed and threw me against the dark blue sheets, immediately climbing on top of me. He stopped, with his bare chest resting against my own, with only the thin t-shirt I was wearing separated us. As I came face to face with him, I realized that my anger had deteriorated into something else although I wasn't quite sure what it was.

He moved in slowly, his lips landing on mine with light pressure. The slight aroma of mint followed his breath. My heart fluttered a little. Thoughts of my escape flew from my brain, and I became fully consumed with him. He gently moved his hands to my waist.

Then without warning, he swiftly maneuvered his tongue into my mouth. His kiss became deep and aggressive. He took pleasure in dominating my mouth with his tongue. His hands moved to the hem of my t-shirt and smoothly lifted it off of me. Yunho opened his eyes to admire my nakedness, but his attention fell to something else instead.

"What are those?" he hissed. His hand moved to my chest where my many hickeys had become visible.

"N-nothing," I tried to move his hands away, but he wouldn't budge. His fingertips brushed across the spots.

"These are new..." he thought out loud, "Who did this?"

I shook my head, too embarrassed to answer, but this only made him angrier.

"Who did this?" His voice became deeper and huskier.

"It was Mingi..." I shamefully admitted. His eyes burned. Of course, it had been Mingi.

He pushed me back down on the bed and grinned down at me. He brought his lips to my ear. "Mingi may have marked you, but I'm going to make you cum until you never forget who you belong to baby girl."

I whimpered as he kissed the side of my neck, and squirmed as his hand explored down towards my heat. "My slutty little girl."

I let out a small moan as his hand fell to my clit. Never before had a man touched me like this, and the pleasure was an entirely new sensation. He moved his fingers back in forth, teasing me slowly. My breath quickened and I hid my head in his shoulder, letting out small moans of pleasure.

"Are you ready for your punishment baby girl? You don't cum until I say so. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Use your words."

"Y-yes..." I half spoke and half moaned from his sudden increase in speed.

He smirked, suddenly shifting his hand and moving his two fingers inside of me. I gasped and gripped onto his back. He moved his fingers slowly in and out of me. My body felt weak in his complete control. He moved his head back down and sucked at my neck, covering any unmarked skin.

My moans got louder as I felt heat start to pool in my stomach. I felt close to my climax, and Yunho knew it. He started to slow down and I whined.

"Yunho...faster..." I needed him. My body quivered in dissatisfaction.

He just smiled and pulled his hand away completely, "Not yet baby girl. You wait for me to say you can."

I nodded obediently but tried to pull him in again, desperate for him to finish what he had started. He moved and sat back on his bed, leaning on his hands.

"Come here. Let me tell you what's going to happen." He stated, contented by your desperate state. "Since you were so bad today, you're going to finish yourself off, and I'm going to watch."

I nodded and quickly moved my hand towards my oversensitive clit, but he caught it before it got there.

"No hands allowed."

My body was desperate for release. I whined again, "Please, Yunho. How can I do it without my hands?"

He smirked moving the towel up off of one of his thighs. "Come sit here, baby girl."

I rushed over and straddled his thigh, placing my hands on his shoulders as he sat back and watched me. I desperately moved myself back and forth. I quickly began moaning again from the friction. I could feel him flexing his leg muscle beneath me, providing me with more pleasure.

I began to reach my climax once again. The dragged out build up was making my body shake and my vision go blurry.

"Yunho," I whined, "I'm going to cum."

"Ask nicely." He answered sternly.

I couldn't hold it back much longer. "Please. Can I cum... please?" I begged him.

"Yes, go ahead and cum for me baby girl."

I moaned out his name as I reached my climax. My body shook with pleasure and I collapsed into his arms. He held me into him, wrapping me in his muscular arms. I tucked my head into the crook of his neck.

"You did so good, pretty girl. You took your punishment so well. Now tell me who do you belong to." He spoke softly.

"You. Only you." I whispered back.

"Good girl."

We moved under the sheets. Yunho cuddled me to sleep, hugging me tightly like he never wanted to let me go.

 Yunho cuddled me to sleep, hugging me tightly like he never wanted to let me go

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