Chapter 10

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"I need cash." Sky plopped down on my couch.

"And I need time."

"You only started studying some days ago, and you're already stressed. What you need is to relax." She undid her ponytail, making her hair cascade down her back. "It's time to eat something."

"I'm not hungry, Sky." I stared at yet another email from Bright's with the list of assignments for the month. Whoever said correspondence studies meant less work was clearly delusional.

"You're never hungry, and you're pale, Ellie."

"Sky, you're not my mom, you're my friend. Friends don't bug friends about food."

"Dammit!" Sky jumped to her feet and approached me. "If your ass is too lazy to cook, I'll do it. In my kitchen, where the fridge actually contains something other than apples and yogurts." She took my hand in hers and dragged me out of my apartment.

"I have to study." I sighed. "The Art Theory professor is super strict. Some older students told us nobody passed his subject the first year."

"Big deal." Sky shrugged and took out some tuna and vegetables.

"It is a big deal, Sky. If I fail a single subject, they'll take away my grant."

"For real?"

I nodded.

"Ellie." She turned to look at me, hands on her hips. "We've been friends since August. Even when you didn't have classes, you were stressing over something, and you haven't been eating enough. I've never seen you order Chinese or pizza, damn it. I'm going to ask this once: do you have an issue with food? Do you eat and throw up afterward?"

"What? Of course not!"

"Then what's the matter with you?"

"Sometimes, I'm too busy to remember I have to eat, Sky, that's all."

"I can forget to shower, but to eat? Never!"

"Well, that's you. Can we please change the topic?"

She gave me her back, putting the water for pasta to boil.

"Skylar, come on." I hugged her from behind, placing my chin on her shoulder. "You know I love you."

"I love you back, and don't call me by my full name, Elizabeth!"

"Don't be a bitch and hug me." I pouted, making her laugh and give me a bear hug.

"Promise me you'll eat," she said.

"I will."

Not wanting to listen to the same story again, I ate the mountain of pasta with tuna Sky dumped on my plate and another of Victor's éclairs after.

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