Chapter 75

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Rubbing my eyes, I padded to the kitchen in search of Aiden. Instead, I saw Jim sitting on a chair and clutching the mug of steaming coffee in his hands.

"Good morning," I said, taking a seat next to him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Better than I have in a while, beautiful." Flashing a grin at me, Jim got up from his chair and walked to the counter. I watched him pour the drink into another mug, which he then handed to me.

"Thanks." I took a sip, hoping that the caffeine in the cup would be enough to kick the remnants of sleep out of my system. "Where's Aiden?"

"At Liam's. They wanted to check if everything was ready for the trip. I stayed here in case you woke up."

"Thank you."

Jimmy gave me a wink, sipping his coffee. "Is everything alright now, beautiful?"

I knew that his question had to do with everything Aiden and I went through. For once, I was sure of my answer when I said, "Yes. It is, and we are. What about you?"

Shrugging, Jim stared into his mug before his green eyes focused on my face. "It's good. I'm just fed up with some things, but if you're asking about family and alike, it's okay. Brian is back at my dad's house, and I see him more often now."

"Fed up with what?"

"The pressure, the tabloids, the lack of privacy, false people. I don't wanna bore you with all that crap. And eat the croissant Kennedy bought for you. He reminded me of it at least five times."

Chuckling, I reached for the brown paper bag. "He can be overprotective like that."

"Aye?" Aiden stood in the doorway, dressed in black shorts and a black T-shirt. Smiling, he approached me and kissed my lips before saying, "We're ready, whenever everyone is. All the stuff is already in the car."

"I'm gonna grab some things of mine." Jim rinsed off his mug and left it on the rack before sauntering away.

"You okay?" Aiden rubbed my cheek with his thumb and crouched down next to me.

"Sleepy." Yawning, I leaned into his touch.

"You can sleep in the car," said Aiden. "Lucy and Alex are already here, too."

I finished my breakfast, and the three of us left the apartment.

The car we rented was big enough for all of us plus the tents and the rest of the things we needed for the camping trip. After thinking about it, we decided to forgo the typical bachelor and bachelorette party. We'd hardly had time to spend with our friends. As soon as we came back from our trip in winter, we faced tons of schoolwork and projects, in Aiden's case.

The trip we'd planned was something we'd never done before. Spending so much time indoors took its toll on both of us. We were looking forward to breathing some fresh air and spending time in the forest.

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