Chapter 69

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A/NSteamy (hopefully) stuff in this one

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Steamy (hopefully) stuff in this one. I hope it's okay. Let me know your thoughts. I've written quite a lot, but I'm always insecure about it. If it's not your thing, blush and skip.


"Hello to you, too, mother. Or should I call you Vivian?"

Aiden's eyes locked on his mother's face. For the first time since I'd met him, there was no trace of warmth in them. If anything, his cold stare gave me chills.

Uncle Steve seemed to come out of his trance all of a sudden, loosening his grip on the waist of the woman next to him. "Vivian, is he really your son? But I thought—"

"I told you I was looking for him," Aiden's mother said quietly. "I was going to tell you everything once I've found him. I didn't know you two had already met."

My uncle looked dumbstruck. "So, you got married to that...How could you?"

"What the fuck have you said about me being his son?" Aiden's voice rose above the happy chatter of a group of friends exiting the restaurant. I envied them. They were enjoying the evening without anyone wreaking havoc on their lives.

"You've changed. You didn't speak like that before," said Vivian.

Laughing a dry, humorless laugh, Aiden pinched the bridge of his nose and then looked at his mother again. "This is fucking priceless. Okay, newsflash, you were gone for almost four years — four years in which I had enough time to grow the fuck up, learn to cuss, drink, and fuck, graduate from high school, start a degree, get a job, and get engaged. It also gave my father enough time to beat me and mistreat me, all the while you were out there living your happy, childless life. So yeah, I didn't speak like that before, because I was a fucking kid. You. Left. Your. Kid."

Vivian stared at her feet. "You have a right to be angry, but—"

"But what? There was no internet, no phones, no fucking mail? No way for you to tell your son that you're alive and not buried somewhere? I blamed myself when you left. I thought maybe I did something wrong. Why else would you just vanish like that? Nobody abandons good children, right, mom?"

"Aiden, but now I'm here. We can make up for that time."

Aiden shook his head. "You're four years too late. And before I leave so that you can enjoy this lovely evening with the guy who hates my guts enough to drag my name through the mud and lie to my fucking face, I have two questions. One, what the fuck is it about me being this man's son? I'll ask you the second one when you answer."

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