Chapter 74

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"What do you think of this one?"

I pointed at yet another photo of the flower and candle centerpiece the restaurant sent me. Aiden tore his eyes away from the textbook he was reading and looked at the white roses, smiling. "It is beautiful, angel."

"You said the same about the other three."

"Because the other three were beautiful, too."

"But we have to choose one, baby. Come on!"

Chuckling, Aiden patted my backside. I was lying across his lap with the phone in my hands, going through the emails from the restaurant where we'd have our wedding banquette.

"Baby, you love roses. Let's choose them. Why do you have to think so much? If you like it, go for it." He shrugged.

I scrolled through the gallery, looking at the other options. Aiden shuddered with laughter beneath me.

"It's not funny." I glared at him. "And stop drawing hearts on my butt."

Laughing even harder, my soon-to-be husband leaned forward to press a kiss to my forehead. "I love you. Whatever you choose will be great. I'm going to stare at you the entire time. Better tell me why they take so much care in putting these little things here."

I tried not to laugh as I swatted Aiden's hand away from my backside. He was talking about the lacy flowers decorating my underwear.

"For us, girls, to feel pretty," I said, refocusing on my phone screen. The five knocks made me jump, nearly making Aiden drop the book.

"It's late!" I squealed, climbing off Aiden and reaching for a pair of jeans. "I forgot that Sky was going to pick me up."

"Good luck with your dress shopping, baby. I'm so damn happy to have my suit already." Smirking, Aiden touched his cheek with his fingers. "One little kiss before you go?"

I took his face between my palms and gave him a sound kiss on the lips. "Study hard, fianceé. No video games with Liam."

Aiden grinned. "I'm done studying for today, baby. I owe Liam some buddy time. We're going to the gym to get that beach body."

Rolling my eyes, I buttoned up the jeans and went to open the front door.

"I might have got some gray hair waiting for you, Elizabeth." Sky adjusted her shades on top of her head. "Have you got everything? And what about Toughie? Has the dude bloomed yet?"

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