Chapter 48

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Sky opened the door to her apartment, visibly flustered.

"What's going on? You scared me on the phone," I said, stepping inside and handing her the pastries I'd bought.

"I'm in the shit as deep as the ocean, Ellie." She huffed, bringing a hand to her forehead and rubbing at her skin. "Sam is here. She's on her way from the airport."

My eyes widened. "Oh, my God! How did she know?"

Sky shrugged. "Well, Louise told her you have a friend whose name is Sky. That, paired with the fact I hardly talked to her, raised her suspicions, and she called me saying she was in France and wanted to see me. What could I do? I had to tell her I was in Paris and give her my address."

I bit my lip. "Crap. And what about your parents?"

"They know nothing. I know Sam, she wouldn't tell, it's just that I'll have to explain why I kept it from her. She's the coolest aunt ever, but—"

"Then what are you afraid of, silly? I'm sure she's going to understand. It's Sam we're talking about."

Sky glanced at her watch. "Tim will be here any minute; Antoine's mom is going to drop him off. I'll have to explain who the kid is as well. And you, lady, make sure to hide your guy's things in case Sam goes to your apartment."

I laughed. "Sky, calm down. I don't think she'll go there. Both of us are here, after all."

"Then at least take off the ring."

Thinking that my friend was right, I slid the ring off my finger and put it in my purse. I hoped the tan mark faded enough not to be visible unless Sam looked closely.

Sky and I sat on the couch side by side, like two good girls waiting to be scolded.

My friend let out a deep sigh. "Karma is a bitch, Elizabeth. It came after us because we've been lying shamelessly."

I chuckled. "You tell me!"

The doorbell rang in a minute. Sky went to open the door.

"Hi, Ellie!" Tim rushed inside and dropped his backpack on the floor next to the couch before giving me a quick hug. Drawing superheroes together helped us bond.

Sky was the next one to receive his affection.

"I missed you." Tim drew his arms around Sky's waist.

"Missed you too." She smiled, ruffling his hair. The boy looked more like Liam with each passing day.

"Are you hungry?" Sky asked the kid.

Tim's eyes landed on the box of pastries on the coffee table.

Sky wiggled her finger. "Those are for later. Guess what? My auntie Sam will be here in a short while. She's going to stay with us for a couple of days."

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