Chapter 54

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I spotted Liam chatting with the guys next to a bistro downtown where we'd agreed to meet.

"Junior! Over here!" yelled Darren as soon as he saw me.

I shortened the distance between us. "Hey, guys. Everyone's early, huh? I thought I'd have to wait."

Ollie chuckled. "We're the ones waiting. The boss told us to meet him here."

"I didn't know you invited Victor, too," I said.

Darren shrugged. "He's cool, and we went out together a couple of times. I'm not sure bar hopping is his scene, but who knows?"

"Bar hopping is everyone's scene, gentlemen, but it depends on the bars."

We turned our heads toward Victor's voice. He ditched the usual suit and was dressed more casually in some jeans and a short black coat.

"Let's head inside; Jean must be already waiting."

It was at that moment when I realized the bistro we were going to dine at belonged to Thierry's mentor.

The four of us obediently followed Victor into the traditional restaurant. It was cozy and inviting. I could picture this place full of families and groups of friends as they celebrated a special occasion.

"Jean, we're here," our boss called. A man slightly older than Victor came out of the kitchen and gave Victor a tight hug before greeting us.

"Boys' night out, Victor?" asked Jean.

Victor let out a chuckle. "Indeed. Thank you for having us on such short notice."

Jean smiled. "No problem. Besides, it's still early. The dinner crowd will come later. Take your seats, and we'll bring the appetizers and some wine."

We settled in the back of the bistro. Liam and I sat opposite Dar and Ollie, leaving the head of the oak table to Victor.

When the waiter brought a bottle of wine and platters of cold meat and cheese, Victor raised his glass.

"To Ollie and Aiden, who are leaving the bachelors' club."

We took a sip of wine, and Liam handed me the platter of cheese that was out of my reach.

Studying his face, I asked, "Are you okay?"

My friend shook his head, staring at the stem of the wine glass he was holding.

"I couldn't sleep, Aiden, and I honestly feel like shit. What I do know is that I'm not going down that road again. I don't know what I was even thinking; I have enough on my plate with our job and Tim. That relationship shit will only complicate things."

I sighed. "Man, you can't be serious. You told me you liked her. What if nothing happened there?"

"It doesn't matter. We'll go back to being friends, end of story."

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