Chapter 37

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We left the restaurant later after dancing to more songs

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We left the restaurant later after dancing to more songs. Outside, crowds of partygoers filled the promenade. There were couples and groups of friends pretty much everywhere I looked. The atmosphere was incredible; it spoke of summer and vacation, warm nights, and cocktails by the beach. I was going to paint the scene as soon as I could.

Aiden stood behind me, hugging my bare shoulders. "Choose one, baby."


"The place where you'd like to go dancing."

We walked down the street where neon signs on the buildings invited people in. I skipped the places where techno music poured out of the doors and did the same with a couple of discos that didn't seem intimate.

Finally, a small place with a neon palm tree on its sign called my attention. Taking Aiden's hand in mine, I led the way inside.

The interior did justice to the name — Caribbean. There were wooden floors, dim light, waitresses serving cocktails with flowers braided into their hair. Bottles of tequila and rum were lined up on the shelves at the bar, and the music — seductive low beats of slow songs— invited everyone to dance with each other. That was exactly what people were doing. Couples were moving to the soft music, their bodies touching, using the limited space of the bar as an excuse to get closer.

Aiden looked around, liking what he saw. We found a cozy nook in the corner — a wooden bench and a small, round table with a lit candle.

Sitting down, he pulled me onto his lap before opening the menu resembling a pirate treasure map.

"What would you like?" Aiden's lips skimmed over my neck, making my skin tingle.

"A cocktail?"

"Are you asking, or telling, baby?"

I gave him a 'really?' look.

"Choose." Chuckled Aiden.

I looked at the list for a while. "Sex on the Beach."

Aiden kissed my shoulder, mumbling, "Is that an offer?"

"If you want it to be." I caressed Aiden's jaw and neck, my face inches from his.

"I want everything with you."

A waitress interrupted our exchange. Aiden ordered the cocktail for me, and water with lemon for him.

A couple of minutes later, I was sipping my drink enveloped in his embrace. My eyes roamed the dance floor, stopping on a boy and a girl dancing incredibly well.

"Those two over there dance like our friends," I said.

Aiden kissed my jaw. "You miss them, baby?"

"Sky didn't answer my text. It's not like her, and I'm a bit worried."

"Will you stop worrying if I text Liam?"

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