Chapter 65

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"Still here, sweet boy?"

I turned my head toward Beverly's voice and acknowledged her with a small smile. "Where else would I be?"

"They don't want to wake your Sleeping Beauty up yet, do they?"

I sighed and shook my head, staring at the array of tiny snowflakes through the hospital window. It snowed for the first time in ages, and Ellie couldn't see it.

"You need to have faith," Ellie's nurse said. "Faith and patience. Those two things are just as important as what the doctors do."

"I'm trying. I really am. Have you seen Jim?"

The woman smiled. "Who hasn't? All my girls keep ogling him. I need to remind them they have work to do. He's in the waiting room."

I thanked her and went to look for my friend. Jim was on his phone, focused on the conversation that seemed heated.

"Then we'll offer a refund. I don't care. Release a statement, say that the singer has family issues. I don't know when, but not while my friend's girl is in a coma."

As soon as Jim finished talking, I walked up to him. "What the hell have you done? Jim, it's your first damn arena. Call whoever you have to and tell them you've changed your mind."

"How's Ellie?"

"Louise is with her now. Jim, you need to fix it."

Jim rolled his eyes and shoved his hand in his pocket. Retrieving a key and the car remote, he extended them to me.

"Go to my condo, take a shower, eat something, and take a power nap."

"I'm not leaving Ellie."

Sighing, Jim shook his head. "You're not leaving Ellie, because I'm here. It's been days. Her mother is there now; it's Christmas Eve tonight. You cannot stink at Christmas, Kennedy. You need a shower and fresh clothes. The doc told us nothing of importance would happen today. Go."

"What about the arena?"

Jim groaned. "It will still be there when this shit is over. Go home. I'll be here."


"I'll call you."

Reluctantly, I said goodbye to my friend and left the hospital to go to Jim's. After a short drive, I parked his car in the garage and let myself into his apartment.

I knew he was right. It'd been a few days since they'd induced a coma. The improvement was there, but not significant enough to wake Ellie up. I spent every night in her room, in a chair next to Ellie's bed after Jim had used his charm and signed autographs for every nurse in the hospital, regardless of their age. Thanks to that, I could stay with Ellie.

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