Chapter 25

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Our Monday meeting turned out to be eventful.

Mathis updated all of us on the ongoing projects, and Ollie argued with Darren yet again.

Liam and I were assigned even more work, and the hours passed in a blur.

When lunchtime was approaching, I got restless.

"Wanna hit the new place across the street and have lunch there?" Liam asked. "I wanted to thank you for helping me out with moving my stuff to the apartment."

"Sorry, man, I can't. I'll eat with Ellie today."

We waited for the elevator. Once we were in it alone, Liam eyed me.

"What's going on?"

"We have to see the doctor. She already has the results."

"Okay. I can cover for you in case you're late," he offered.

"No need. I told Victor that Ellie had to do a health checkup for school, and I was going with her. Not entirely true, but we'd rather not tell."

"Wait," Liam said as we crossed the lobby to leave the building, "it's not only those results, right?"

"You know nothing," I warned him. "We got a bit scared yesterday."

"Scared? You mean... oh, shit." Liam stared at me, dumbstruck. "Dude, how could you forget? Don't you know your Superman needs to wear a cape?"

"You should read less of Tim's comic books." I chuckled. "The tests were negative, okay, but she's still late, and I'm worried."

"Yeah, but are you sure she's not-"

"I'm not an idiot, Liam. I might lose my mind when I'm with Ellie, but protection is a must. Gotta go, and not a single word."

I said goodbye to him before hopping on my bike and going to the clinic.

Ellie rushed to me as soon as she saw me. I hated making her wait, but the midday traffic in Paris was always insane.

"Are you alright?" I asked as we waited for Sylvie to call us.

"Yeah, but it was hard to focus in class. I was lucky today's an easy day. How was yours?"

"Same as usual. More work this week."

"Poor thing." Ellie kissed me just when Sylvie opened the door to her office, asking us to come in.

"Ellie, Aiden," she smiled, "please take a seat. What brings you here?"

We made ourselves comfortable. I took Ellie's hand in mine for support. Sylvie noticed.

"Well," Ellie fidgeted in her chair, "I have a kind of a problem."

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