Chapter 42

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"I don't get it." Lucy shoved the notes in her bag with such force I was afraid she'd break it. "The deadline is on Monday, and we're supposed to come up with an idea for a painting using some stupid keywords they gave us and paint the whole thing in what? Five days?"

"Would you rather do a theory thing?"

"God, no." She groaned. "I just have no idea what to paint. Listen to this," she reached into her bag again to pull out a folded piece of paper," here it says the sea, adventure, complicity. How the hell do you paint complicity?"

"If it makes you less stressed, mine aren't better." I showed her the paper of my own.

"Portrait, dream, ambition," mumbled Lucy. "Who the hell came up with that? Girl, I take my words back. I'll be gladly painting complicity at sea. A couple having sex on a boat? Kind of adventure if you ask me." Lucy put on her trademark pensive face that never failed to amuse me.

"See," I laughed, "you already know what to do. Just make sure to paint some leaves on their parts to keep the thing PG-13. I, on the other hand, have no clue about the topic, and I have less than five days because of my friends' party on Saturday night."

"At least you'll go to a party. We'll spend the weekend moving my things to my boyfriend's apartment. I can't say I'll have lots of time to paint, either."

We said goodbye at the school entrance and took separate ways. Lucy had to stop at the bookstore, and I hoped to see Sky and then study some. I pulled out my phone to text her.

Me: Already free. Wanna hang out? Haven't seen you since Sunday.

Sky's reply came fast.

Sky: Sorry, can't. My friend Gia's here with her boyfriend, crashing at our place. I'll see you tomorrow when they leave.

Just like that, my hopes of procrastinating crashed. I shot a quick Have fun to Sky and kept on walking when the rumble of an engine behind me startled me.

"Don't text and walk, baby."

My lips split into a grin as I turned around to see Aiden on his bike. "What are you doing here?"

"I went to pick you up at L'école, but you're walking so fast I had to chase after you. Hop on; I'm taking you somewhere."

I put on the helmet he handed me and rushed to get on the bike, no questions asked. My hands found their familiar place on Aiden's stomach as he joined the afternoon traffic.

The surprisingly gentle wind caressed my face. The day was sunny and warm, a pleasant break from the rain and fog we'd been facing since we came back from Martinique.

Aiden seemed to know where he was going. After taking several turns and venturing onto one of the streets downtown, he parked next to a beautiful café with a typical Parisian terrace full of small round tables and bistro chairs.

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