Chapter 61

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I'd always tried to be a good daughter and was grateful for the family Louise gave me. I did whatever I could to make her happy.

Today, for the first time in eleven years, the resentment I felt toward her overpowered everything else.

When we went shopping, I was determined to talk to her as soon as we sat down to have a cup of coffee. Waiting was no longer an option - not when the anxiety I felt robbed me of sleep for the last two nights.

Louise's phone started to ring in the first store we entered. Her client took the kids and tried to flee the country without her husband's consent. The woman was held up on the border. She risked losing custody of her children.

I understood it was a disastrous situation. Unfortunately, it didn't mean that I felt no hurt when my mom drove us back home and started to stuff clothes in her travel bag. She did apologize for having to leave me alone and going on a work trip when she promised we would spend time together. Louise said she was sorry more than once, but I didn't need that.

I needed her to listen to what I had to say. I might have been a coward when we were apart, but now, I craved to let it all out. Too bad it didn't happen.

My mom didn't know when she'd be back. She hoped it wouldn't take her more than a couple of days. That client of hers and her kids were important, but what about me? I needed Louise in my corner. I wanted her to know everything before my uncle was back, and I had to face him. As childish as it was, I needed my mom and her support.

When Louise got into her car and drove away after a hasty goodbye, I went to my bedroom, hating the silence that reigned in the house. The buzz of my phone vibrating on the desk was a godsend.

"How did it go with your mom?" Sky wasted no time on greetings.

"She went on a work trip, Sky. There was no conversation."

The call ended. In a couple of seconds, Sky sent me a video chat request.

"I needed to see you to make sure you were okay," said my friend. "What happened?"

I curled up into a ball on my bed, clutching the phone in my hands. "I'm not fucking okay, Sky. I'm as far from being okay as I can be."

Sky sighed. "You don't usually cuss. It must be bad."

"My mom didn't even make an effort to listen to me. I get that she was thinking about her work, and I know it's important, but dammit, Sky. I tried to tell her everything multiple times, and she brushed me off. Now she's gone, and I don't know when she'll be back."

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