Chapter 56

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The bright morning sunlight broke through the curtains in our bedroom, lighting up Aiden's face. Groaning, he covered his eyes with his palm. That action alone was enough to make me chuckle.

"Hungover much, fiancé?"

Smiling, Aiden lifted his hand and ran his fingers across my cheek. "Morning, baby. And yeah. There's a dude with a sledgehammer in my head, pounding my temples from within. God, I'm never drinking again."

"Here, take it. " I handed him a glass of water and an aspirin.

"Thank you." Aiden popped the pill in his mouth and gulped down all the liquid.

"I hope it helps," I said. "I must say I liked my tipsy Aiden, though."

Aiden's eyebrows rose.

I laughed. "Okay, do you remember what happened when you came home last night?"

Aiden frowned. "Damn, the last thing I recall is getting in the elevator with Liam. Wait," the realization made him pause and fix his dark eyes on me, "did we...?"

"We could have if you hadn't fallen asleep on my boobs."

"Fucking Darren." Groaning, Aiden covered his face with a throw pillow before tossing it aside. Then, I heard him chuckle. "Damn, baby. That guy is something else. I owe my current condition to his drinking habits. I swear I wasn't going to get hammered. So," he added, "did tipsy Aiden do anything sober Aiden wouldn't do?"

"No." I kissed Aiden's cheek. "He was just more outspoken about some parts of my anatomy."

"I do remember that dress of yours." Aiden ran his hand over my back until it came to rest on my bum.

"I'll wear it for you when we go out."

"Please do. Did you have fun with the girls?"

"Yeah. We decided to go dancing because I needed something to cheer me up."

Aiden's playful mood vanished. "What happened for you to be upset?"

I dreaded telling him about Louise's call. Maybe it wasn't wise to do it while he was hungover, but now I couldn't back down. Debating it for a moment, I decided to start with a safer topic.

"I got my grades, and they weren't as good as I hoped they would be."

Aiden frowned and caressed my cheek. "I'm sorry, angel. Were they worse because of that sketch you had to draw at night?"

I shook my head. "The grade for that work was okay. Theoretical subjects were the worst. I guess I didn't dedicate as much time as I should have to them. I still have Bright's, after all. I wish I only did things for L'ecole."

Aiden inched toward me and kissed my lips. "Don't be hard on yourself. You did your best."

I sighed. "That's what the girls said, too." Taking a deep breath, I readied myself for the second part of the talk — the part Aiden wouldn't take well. "That was one thing, baby, but there's more."

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