Chapter 62

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"Kennedy! Over here!"

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"Kennedy! Over here!"

Jim's unmistakable voice rose above the noise filling the airport terminal. I pushed through the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones and immediately spotted my friend.

"Long time no see, little fucker."

"Likewise," I said after returning Jim's hug. "I'm happy to see you. No security?"

Jim rolled his eyes. "No need, Kennedy. I'm still your Jimmy from the block."

Chuckling, I followed my friend out of the airport.

"Holy shit, O'Brien. What happened to the weather in this city?"

Even Parisian December air seemed warmer than the freezing wind that somehow managed to get under my winter clothes as soon as we stepped outdoors.

"The temps dropped this afternoon. Everyone is freaking out. The forecast says it's gonna snow tonight for the first time in ages," said Jim. "Now, give me that suitcase of yours."

"You've got a nice set of wheels, man." I whistled, watching the guy unlock a sleek sports car and stuff my luggage into the trunk.

"Celebrity life, Kennedy. I needed compensation for all the shit that comes with it. I decided on a car and a condo, where you're going to stay unless you changed your mind."

I shook my head, making myself comfortable on a leather passenger seat.

Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, Jim started the vehicle and drove into the early evening traffic. "Ellie's?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "I'll go to your place later."

Jim chuckled with his bright eyes glued to the rearview mirror. "I won't bug you now, but we're gonna talk about that ring on your finger. Going all in, little fucker. Who would have thought?"

"It happened."

My friend laughed. "Thank fuck it did."

In half an hour, Jim pulled over next to Ellie's house and left as soon as I got out of the car. We would have dinner with him and Ellie the following evening. Then, I would drop her off at home and talk to Louise, who was going to be back by then. Her unexpected trip upset Ellie, who was set on talking to her. At this point, I didn't care. After ten days of being apart, my priority was the girl who threw the front door open as soon as my boots hit the first step of the porch.


Ellie launched herself into my arms momentarily, wrapping her hands around my neck and pressing her lips to mine.

"My girl," I whispered into the kiss, pushing the door closed with one hand while the other arm pulled Ellie flush to me.

Ellie's hands went on to unbutton my coat while she nibbled on my lips. Somehow, I managed to kick off my boots and lifted her in my arms, placing her legs on either side of my waist.

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