Chapter 21

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I opened my purse to take out the notebook I needed for the lecture and noticed something I hadn't put there — a brown paper bag with a post-it note, which read, 'Please eat me. I'm so damn tasty.' Peeking inside, I saw a sandwich and a banana.

Lucy grinned, looking at the thing in my hands. "Caring boyfriend?"

I smiled, blushing. "Yeah, he is."

Aiden was beyond protective, keeping track of all my meals. After our talk on Saturday, I tried to ease some of his worries and made sure to eat and rest more.

Midway through the class, the secretary of the management discreetly opened the door to the lecture hall and approached the front row where I sat. Leaning over my desk, she whispered, "Miss Donovan, Monsieur Arnaud wishes to see you after classes."

I nodded, and she left after a quick apology to our professor.

Lucy's eyebrows rose in a silent question, and I shrugged.

In L'école, we wouldn't get grades until the exams. We got feedback, and while nobody pointed at my mistakes more than they did at others', my palms were clammy when I was waiting next to the rector's office later in the day.

"Miss Donovan," Monsieur Arnaud greeted me as soon as I was called inside. "Nice to see you again. Take a seat."

"Thank you." I carefully sat on the edge of the chair.

"So, how do you like it in our school?"

"It's great, thank you. I'm learning a lot."

"That's what I've been told. It's good to see we didn't make a mistake choosing you." The rector smiled.

The smiles of that man were rare. On the few occasions I'd run into him in the college halls, he seemed serious and detached.

He picked up some papers from his mahogany desk and studied them for a moment. "I see that you're turning in all your assignments early, even earlier than they are due." He put the pages back and looked at me. "While this is amazing, I wanted to make sure you had some time to enjoy the city and get inspired. I'm aware of the fact that our program is hard, and you are our youngest student. It might be challenging at first. If you feel it's too much for you, my door is always open. We can always adjust your workload or class schedule."

"Thank you. I guess it's okay for now."

"Fine, then. In case you didn't know, each year just before the autumn break, which is around the corner, we organize a welcome gala for the freshmen. It's a chance to get to know everyone better, and you can also bring your friends. Since we are not so many, we can afford to have more guests. The invitations." He handed me an envelope.

"You might find it a bit pretentious, but there's a dress code. Everything is explained inside."

I studied the rectangle with our school logo and frowned at the number eighteen with a plus next to it printed in one of the corners.

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