Chapter 58

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The soft melody of a song about the snow floated in the air of our apartment. In the living room, the string lights wrapped around the enormous Christmas tree blinked with an array of colors. The real holiday wouldn't be here for another two weeks, but Aiden and I did our best to create the festive atmosphere in our home.

Sky, Liam, and Tim would be at our door any minute now. I left a tray with some appetizers on a beautifully set dining table and walked to the kitchen, where Aiden was keeping an eye on the roast meat.

The soft cotton of the gray long-sleeved shirt he wore stretched around his sculpted arms and broad back. The boy Aiden used to be gave way to the man — handsome and way more confident; the one who wore suits to work and made wild love to me in our bed. Pride filled my chest every time I thought about how far he'd come and how much effort it cost him to let go of his past and focus on his future. I admired the kind of person he was — loving and kind despite everything that he went through.

"You can keep on staring, or you can come up here and let me kiss you."

Aiden was looking at me with a smirk on his lips. I closed the distance between us, and my arms enclosed him in a tight embrace.

"I'm peeling this dress off you as soon as our friends are gone," Aiden whispered, letting his hands move over my curves. "Then, I'm going to kiss you under that huge tree we put, and you will moan my name while I enjoy my most precious Christmas gift."

Smiling, I pressed my lips to his jaw. "Feeling naughty, fiancé?"

Aiden sighed, kissing my forehead. "Feeling so damn sad to let you travel without me tomorrow that I'd rather lose myself in you than think about saying goodbye."

"It will be only for ten days, baby," I said, running my fingertips over Aiden's clean-shaven face.

"The longest fucking ten days in history." Aiden kissed my lips and nuzzled my neck with his nose.

The shrill buzz of the doorbell broke us apart.

"Tim is the only one who doesn't know the code." I giggled, taking Aiden's hand in mine and leading him to the hall.

"Merry no-Christmas, hot chick." Sky whistled, giving me a once-over, and walked into our apartment with Liam and Tim in tow.

"Merry no-Christmas, guys." Liam pecked my cheek and shook Aiden's hand. "We brought this." He handed Aiden a bag.

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Guys, thanks, but we told you not to bring anything."

Sky shrugged. "It's just some wine and snacks. You're doing everything else; it's wrong to come to your place empty-handed."

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