Chapter 47

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"Babe, you're so warm. Never stop hugging me."

"Dork." I burst out into a fit of giggles trying to break free from my best friend's grasp. Sky and I ended up sleeping in my bed after our girls' night.

We talked until early morning and didn't get much sleep. Add wine and all the junk food we ate to the equation, and hello, one very hungover and long Monday. I could already feel the pounding in my temples.

"What time is it?" Sky's groan sounded from someplace under the comforter.

The last trace of drowse left my brain. "Shit! Where's my phone?"

"I don't know, babe. Let's skip today," mumbled Sky.

"I can't skip, Sky. I need to hand in my exam project. Damn, why do I get the feeling we overslept? Quit being a lazy ass and help me look for it!" I nudged my friend's arm and started to lift every throw pillow in search of the lost gadget.

Finally, I found it and realized it was off.

Sky glanced at her watch she'd left on the nightstand. "Ellie, it's almost nine. What time is your class?"

"In half an hour, dammit!" I jumped off the bed and ran to take a shower - the quickest one in history. Then, I threw on a pair of jeans and snatched one of Aiden's hoodies from the neat pile of clothes in his part of the closet.

"Sky, the guys!" I said, shoving my arms into the sleeves. "They must've called us a hundred times."

Sky yawned. "Nope, only twenty missed calls from Liam."

"Only twenty? Are you kidding me? What are you doing in bed, come on, we have to go!" Frantically, I threw the comforter off her.

"I have afternoon classes today," she whined.

"Ugh! I hate you! Lock when you go out, I gotta run, or they'll have me for breakfast together with the canvas."

"Have fun painting, Elizabeth." I heard Sky shout to my back as I grabbed my bag and the painting and darted out of the apartment.

Once in L'école, I submitted my work so that they could grade it and sent a long text to Aiden. I knew he was worried; it wasn't like me to have my phone off. The bright side was, we sorted everything out with Sky. She finally opened up to me about everything, and we were back to being best friends. The relief I felt made my hungover Monday much better.

The text from Aiden came midway through my Art Theory class.

Aiden: I'm not calling you only because you're in class. Everything's okay here, starting the training thing in 10. You have no idea how much I miss you. Please have your phone on. I worry.

The next text made me grin.

Aiden: I love you, fiancée. Get ready for lots of loving when I get back.

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