Chapter 59

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After I left the airport, I drove downtown, determined to take a long walk to delay going back to our empty apartment. I would never have thought the stack of dirty dishes in the sink would be the chore to look forward to, but I was grateful for having something to do once I was home.

The stroll along the Seine didn't satisfy me. Couples were everywhere, and I thought about Ellie and sleeping in our bed alone instead of enjoying the morning sun and the view of the boats floating down the river at a leisurely pace.

Paris was a breathtaking city, but without my girl in it, everything seemed dull.

Despite not being hungry, I had breakfast at a small café and headed home. When I was in my comfortable clothes, ready to start with the dishes, three bangs made me halt in the middle of the kitchen.

I assumed it was Liam, but as soon as I opened the door, my eyebrows rose at the sight of Ollie next to him.

"Hey, Aiden. We're sorry to intrude, but we've got booze."

Ollie lifted a twelve-pack of beer.

Liam shrugged next to him. "We thought you might need company. Tim is doing a school project with Sky. She took him to take some photos."

Grinning, I stepped aside. "Come on in. I have to do the dishes; then I'm free."

Ollie rolled up his sleeves. "We'll help."

"Okay," I said. "I wash, you dry."

"Sounds fun." Liam took a kitchen towel I handed him and leaned against the counter.

"More fun than staying at home, that's for sure," mumbled Ollie.

I paused with the soapy sponge in my hand. "Why?"

Olivier groaned. "I'm going crazy, guys. Marie and I cannot agree on any of the wedding stuff. Her mother won't stop suggesting things, but they're not suggestions. They are fucking orders."

"The wedding is yours," I said.

Ollie snickered. "Thank you, Darren junior."

"Aiden's right," Liam said, taking the plate I handed him. "It's supposed to be your party and your special day. The two of you should do whatever the hell you want."

Sighing, Olivier started to dry a glass with more vigor than necessary. "I told Marie the same thing. We're both adults, but the family won't stop intruding. Instead of being excited about making her my wife, I stress myself out over the long-ass list of guests, and all that pretentious crap none of us wants or needs. To be honest, I'd be happy with our family and close friends only — no need to invite half of the Parisian snobs."

Liam chuckled. "That bad, huh?"

"My in-laws aren't bad people." Ollie sighed, grabbing another plate. "It's a different generation. They care about the image and propriety. When we moved in together three years ago, Marie's mother nearly went into cardiac arrest. I can already sniff the next drama in the air. I swear, as soon as the wedding band is on Marie's finger, they'll start pestering us about the grandkids. I'm lucky my parents are laid-back."

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