Chapter 50

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Dedicated to my friend @JessEubanks. She's awesome, read her books. The song on top is for a particular part of this chapter. You should listen to it. Scratch that, you must.  Mature content warning, because loving is loving. 

Oh, I've almost forgotten...Jim says hello.

Ollie peered at the cover of the textbook I was reading over lunch

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Ollie peered at the cover of the textbook I was reading over lunch. "Exams?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "I have two more left, and then I'm done."

"Do you think you'll pass?"

"I'd love to believe I will if they understand my answers in French. Thank God some subjects are in English."

"Your French is better than Dar's was when I met him." Ollie laughed.

"I hear you, Guacamollie." Darren stopped chewing his sandwich and tore his eyes away from his smartphone to focus on us instead.

We were the only three people in the office. I had to revise some exam topics; Ollie and Darren were probably too lazy to go out.

My phone on the desk buzzed with a text, breaking the quiet.

Ellie: Meet me on Rue de la Légion d'Honneur, number one at five-thirty PM. It's a date. Love you.

My curiosity was piqued. "Guys, what's on that street?" I turned my phone around so that they could see the address.

"Let's ask Saint Google." Darren put on a serious face before his fingers moved across the keyboard. "Musée d'Orsay. Have you got a date at the museum? Not the best place to bump uglies."

Ollie let out a snort spilling the water he was drinking on his shirt. "People aren't bumping uglies all the time, Dar. Aiden's girl is an Art student; maybe she wants to show him something."

"Yeah, show him some love in those dusty museum storage rooms. 'Yeah, baby, right on that Monet,'" Darren moaned. Ollie couldn't contain his laughter, and I was mortified because Victor was back from lunch, staring at my colleague who decided to illustrate the whole thing with movements and sounds.

To my relief, Victor laughed. "Darren, I believe we have a budget to discuss unless you have other pressing matters."

"The only pressing matter is in Aiden's pants, boss, because he's got a museum closet date."

Darren wiggled his eyebrows following a chuckling Victor into his office, and Ollie burst out laughing at my crimson cheeks.

"You're not alone, Aiden," he said. "We've been friends since we were your age, and his jokes still make me blush like a schoolgirl."

I could barely sit still through the afternoon, wondering about the surprise Ellie had planned. Luckily, we weren't so busy, and I could leave the office earlier.

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