Chapter 53

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"Sky, come on." I rubbed my friend's back, handing her another tissue. Aiden went out with his colleagues, and I invited Sky and Lucy to hang out at our place. It wasn't going according to plan right now. Crumpled pieces of paper littered the couch where we sat, and Sky's tears didn't seem to have an end.

"Liam's not picking up my calls, Ellie, and he didn't sleep at home. I spent half of the night awake, waiting for him."

"Did you two have a fight? It's not like Liam to ignore you this way."

Sky folded and unfolded the white rectangle in her hands. "Did Aiden tell you he saw me at the restaurant yesterday?"

Memories of the previous night brought the blush to my cheeks. Talking was the only thing we didn't do.

"No, Sky, he didn't. What does it have to do with Liam?"

"I don't know, Ellie. Could Aiden have told Liam he saw me there?"

I sighed. "Sky, what aren't you telling me?"

Sky covered her face with her palms, and her slim body shook with sobs again. I could barely make out the words when she said, "Paul was there."

"What? Did you agree to meet him after everything he's done?"

Sky turned to face me. "Are you for real? Of course, I didn't. I told you I was there with two girls from my class. One of them went to the bathroom, and another one went out to take a call. I was alone at the table, and Paul appeared out of nowhere and sat next to me. It's like he was waiting for them to leave. In case you still think I'm a doormat, let me disappoint you. I told him to go away, Ellie. He's done enough damage already."

I hugged Sky tightly. "I've never thought that about you. Now that you've told me this, I'm more than sure Liam was there with Aiden. I guess Liam saw you."

"He must be disgusted with me. Knowing what he knows, I'm sure he thought the worst. I think Paul did it on purpose, Ellie."

"How could he do it if they haven't even met? Does he know Liam?"

"They saw each other once in our apartment."

"Your apartment? But —"

The buzz of the intercom interrupted our conversation, not letting Sky answer.

"That's Lucy," I said, jumping to my feet. "She's bringing wine and movies."

"I definitely need booze," muttered Sky, dabbing at her wet cheeks with the last dry tissue.

"Hey there!" Lucy stood at the front door, holding a bag. "I hope I'm not late."

I smiled at her and opened the door wider. "No, you're not. Come in."

My classmate accompanied me to the living room.

"Sky, this is Lucy. Lucy, this is Sky."

I left my friends to get acquainted with each other and went to the kitchen. My phone rang when I was laying out the pastries on a big plate. I frowned, seeing Louise's name on the screen. She didn't usually call at this hour.

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