Chapter 66

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Only the sound of footfalls occasionally broke the silence that reigned in the hospital ward. It'd been days since I last felt so peaceful. The reason for my new-found serenity was sleeping in my arms.

Ellie was no longer in the Intensive Care Unit. After the doctors woke her up and assessed her condition this morning, they moved her to an ordinary hospital room.

Now, it was already dark. Ellie spent all day asleep, waking up a couple of times to make sure I was near. Still weak and tired, she didn't say much, only asked me to hold her.

It would take a while for the drugs to leave her body completely. They still gave her medication and monitored her closely.

Pressing my lips to Ellie's forehead, I hugged her tighter and stroked her back, unable to sleep despite my exhaustion.

Too many things occupied my mind. According to the doctors, Ellie remembered everything. I hoped she would tell me what happened when she woke up. I had to be gentle and tread lightly when we talked.


Ellie stirred in my arms and tilted her head up to look at me. This time, there was no trace of sleep in her eyes. I wondered if she'd woken up a while ago.

"How are you feeling?" I smiled and cupped her cheek with my hand. Ellie leaned into my touch, and I felt her arm slide around my middle.


Carefully, I freed myself from her embrace and reached for a glass of water with a straw.

"Here, take it."

I brought the straw to Ellie's lips. She took a few sips and tried to sit up, wincing as she moved.

"Baby, that will have to wait," I scolded her. "You need to rest for now. Does it hurt a lot?"

"No. Don't worry."

I left the glass on the table and faced away from Ellie, staring at nothing in particular and failing to keep the warm tears from falling off my eyes and sliding down my cheeks.

"Aiden," Ellie whispered, placing her hand on my jaw.

"I could've lost you. I got so fucking scared. Seeing you like that, I-"

Silent sobs tore through me. The fear and the anguish of the last days took over. Covering my face with my palms, I let the tears flow, hoping that once there were none left, I could go back to trying to be strong for her.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm okay. The doctor said the wound wasn't even deep."

Ellie hugged me and pressed her cheek to my chest. Her hands glided over my back, trying to soothe me and give me comfort.

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