Chapter 40

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Ever since he got back from the gym, Aiden was off. We settled to have lunch in the living room. Outside, it started to rain, but our apartment felt warm and cozy thanks to the heating and the scented candles I lit.

"What's wrong?" I set down the fork and looked at him.

"Nothing, baby. I'm just tired."

"I know I didn't want us to say anything yet, but I told Sky about the engagement. She saw the ring, and I couldn't lie."

"It's okay." Aiden smiled. "Liam knows, too. I told the guys I proposed."

"What did he say?"

Aiden directed his attention to the vegetables on his plate. "Nothing."

"Not even 'congratulations'? Nothing at all?"

"Nothing at all. He thought I was kidding, and after that, he just ignored it. And I hate that it bugs me more than it should."

"I'm sorry." I moved to sit on his lap. "Sky said she was happy for us, but she was shocked, to say the least."

"I won't say anything at the office for now. I want Victor to be the first to know, so I'll talk to him when I get the chance, and after we'll see." Aiden hugged me tightly and ran his hands over my back.

The following morning, I let Aiden drop me off at L'école instead of my usual walk with Sky so that we could have a moment to ourselves. After kissing him goodbye, I pushed the heavy wooden door open and made my way to the History of Art class.

Lucy was already in her usual spot next to me. "Nice tan, girl." She beamed.

"Thanks." I dropped my purse on the floor after retrieving my notes and some pens from it. "How was your break?"

"We visited a couple of cities in the North, and it was a ton of fun despite having to carry umbrellas everywhere. My boyfriend was happy to spend time together. I neglected him because of all the schoolwork. And," Lucy giggled, tucking a brown curl behind her ear, "he asked me to move in with him."

"That's wonderful! Have you been together for long?"

"Since summer, I met him when I came to Paris to study. He was helping his uncle at the bookstore he owns, I went to buy some books, we started talking, he asked me out, and here we are."

"He's working, then?"

"Not full time," Lucy said. "He's studying graphic design and does some things freelance, and he's amazing. He also loves books as much as I do and reads tons. Did I mention he was amazing?"

I smiled. It was nice to see another person in love. I wondered whether I had the same excited look on my face when I was talking about Aiden.

"Where did you go, if I can ask?"

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