Chapter 55

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The pub Victor chose to have drinks at was one of the best places I'd visited in Paris. It had great music — old rock hits that all of us knew and liked.

Vinyl records hung on the walls, and some signed T-shirts took their place next to them. I took my phone out of the pocket, snapped a picture, and sent it to Jim. He would surely appreciate it.

Darren's eyebrows rose when he heard me hum to the lyrics of a ballad. "Junior, that one was before your time. How the hell do you know the lyrics? Also, you're not tone deaf. Spill it."

Victor smirked, drinking his beer. He was the only one to know about my musical past.

"I used to play in a band," I said, making everyone at our table turn their attention to me. "We did covers of rock songs, among others. My friend's father was into that kind of music — Jim had his dad's collection of vinyl records, and we spent hours listening to them."

Ollie whistled. "What did you play?"

"The guitar."

"Acoustic, or electric?"

"Both. I do prefer the acoustic one; I guess because it fits more types of songs."

"And you also sang, right?" asked Liam.

"Yeah, I did."

"Why the hell did you quit it?" Ollie gave me an incredulous stare. "I'm sure you were good at it. That life's a dream."

I shrugged. "Not mine. It was my friend's, and he went for it. I've never wanted to do that all my life. I love music, and I wouldn't mind playing from time to time, but I'd rather not do it for a living."

Ollie sighed. "Yeah, I get that. Isn't it sad, Dar? What happened to all those dreams we had when we were young and naive..."

"What dreams?" asked Liam.

"Guacamollie wanted to be a Formula 1 pilot," answered Darren. "It meant nothing that he couldn't drive for shit."

Victor laughed. "A dream's a dream. What would our life be without them?"

Darren sighed, raising his wine glass. "Cheers to that, boss!"

"What about you, Darren?" I asked afterward.

"I had no idea who I wanted to be, junior. I just hoped I wouldn't turn into someone cruel enough to leave their newborn child in the hospital."

"Fuck," muttered Liam. "I'm sorry, Dar."

"Darren shrugged. "Don't be. Things turned out alright for me in the end. That's what really matters. I do have my family," Darren looked at Ollie, "annoying as shit, but a family nonetheless."

Olivier shook his head, failing to hide his grin as he took a sip of his wine.

"On this sentimental note," said Victor, reaching into the inside pocket of his jacket, "I'd like to announce something."

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